Classical Music In Contrast To Societal Changes From 500s To Modern Times by Deiana H.


Western music as we know it today began in the middle ages as a monophonic chant. Since then, it has developed into the classical music we listen to today, as well as the works of new and rising composers. As music evolved, so did the norms and structure of the society in the Western world. There is a reason why music today is different from that of 50 years ago, and when that reason is discovered, the dots between different time periods can be connected to create a timeline of music that runs through the history of the modern world and provides a reflection of the mood of society over time. This study will attempt to link these two aspects together, and to prove that the themes, conflicts, and morals of the populus over the centuries has been reflected in the compositions of music created during these times. In addition, the study will try to prove that the purpose of music altered over time because of these underlying changes...The study will more specifically focus on compositions for piano or similar instruments, as piano allows two voices, and therefore truly encompasses the changes and compositional techniques used during each period. This will be accomplished by breaking down the research into six periods of music: Middle Ages (500-1400), Renaissance (1400-1600)), Baroque (1600-1760), Classical (1730-1820), Romantic (1815-1910), and Contemporary (1900-2000)1. For each section, research will be done using music dictionaries, biographies of composers, as well as online articles on the popular music techniques and themes of that day. This study is significant as it will allow us to see the changes in society over the centuries in a cohesive timeline of music, and prove the effect music has on society...