Displaying 1 - 686 of 686
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What is the most effective way to cross-sell Google Cloud Platform to Google Apps customers (and vice versa) to increase customer loyalty and engagement?

Annalee S.

The Benefits of Latinx Youth Increasing Positive Media Representation

Lucianna P.

Graph Theory Study of Metal Doped Graphene Edge State

Tian C.

What algorithms power self-driving vehicles’ fully autonomous driving systems?

Michael B.

Birds of a Feather: An Exploration of Diversity in Birdwatching

Athya P.

The effectiveness of apps using educational behavior theory affecting teen consumer decisions.

Brendan G.

Political Party Affiliation Influence on Vaccine Behavior and COVID Spread in the United States

Thea E.

Decreasing Food Insecurity in the Bay Area Through a Food Drive at a Bay Area High School

Jonah W. Alfredo G. Thierry S.

Displaying and Selling Art Made by San Quentin Death Row Inmates

Maddy W.

Correlation between success in high school math and future careers

Brandon Y.

What Can COVID Trends Tell us About Future Response to Pandemics?

Jinwoo J.

How the Los Angeles Police Department Can Effectively Discern Racially Motivated Police Misconduct from a Justified Action

Esme S

Repurposing Plastic Waste on Beaches

Lucas B. and Blake S.

Can women living with HIV successfully carry a HIV negative baby to term? What variables affect the outcome?

Emma M. & Asa K.

The Oral History of Palo Alto Senior Citizens

Micaela W.

Identifying the Most Effective Single Agent for Treating Follicular Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma

Manya Z.

Maximizing Engagement: Exploring Tactics for Increasing an Average Person's Participation in Grassroots Climate Organizations

Evie C.

How can scratch holograms be made more efficiently?

Alice Z.

How can artificial intelligence technology positively contribute to solving college student homelessness for future public policy solutions in California?

Karen T.

How have frozen conflicts in Eastern Europe be developed in the past 10 years? Are these frozen conflicts permanent in nature, or can they be resolved?

Tara M.

Analyzing Different Prime Factorization Algorithms

Andrew C.

An Analysis of French and U.S Sino-centric Defense Policy by Examining the implementation of Unilateral Arms Embargoes by the Two Countries

Siddharth J.

Is America a Real Democracy or is the Political System Expolited by Money?

Zihao F.

An Empirical Approach to the Measurement Problem of Quantum Mechanics

Quinn M.

The Internets Affect on the Purposes of Public Libraries and Demographics of Their Visitors

Yunhao Y.

How Has Lack of Access to PPE Affected the Health of Farm Workers in California as a Result of COVID-19 and the Recent Wildfires?

Grace L.

Testing Whether Marangoni Flows Are Caused by Evaporation and Gravity or Liquid Composition

Hunter N.

What is the Process of Independently Designing and Producing a Purchasable Fanzine?

Lydia C.

Relative Health of Native vs. Foreign Trees in Palo Alto

Jackson C.

Testing Whether GANs Can Generate Photorealistic Images from Rough Sketches

Tianyue Z.

How Employee Benefits Affect Company Productivity

Amy W.

Using Melanoma Drug Treatment Data to Extract Clinical Insights

Jenny S.

How Korean Beauty Empowers Women Entrepreneurs in the U.S.

Cindy G.

Using AI to Improve Relations Between the United States and North Korea

Hyunwoo R.

Impact of Music Education on the Achievement Gap

Prahalad M.

Sunshine (novel)

Haoning J.

What is the maximum plastic consumption of the average mealworm?

Jenilee C.

Garden Remodel

Jack F.

Availability of Physical Therapy to America's Indigent Population, and How It Could be Used to Combat the Opioid Crisis

Jake V.

What are the differences between the various types of abuse (i.e. physical, emotional, sexual, etc) and what kinds of impact can child abuse have on people later in their life?

Maya T. H. & Ashley Z.

The BEEP Project (Bus Electrification Environmental Proposal)

Maya P., Toni M., and Theo W.

Effectiveness of California Ethnic Studies Curriculum on Teenage Antisemitism

Ori C.

Homelessness and the Opportunity Center of Palo Alto

Ellie W.

Measuring How Speech Patterns Differ in State Congressional Speeches Using Partisan and/or Regional Key Phrases

Nandita G.

California Higher Education Applications and Equity

Jack C.

ADHD Treatments Options: Information, Accessibility, And Awareness

Alex S.

Effective Methods for a Counselor-Based School Mental Health Program to Prevent Additional Suicide deaths After a Public Suicide in PAUSD

Claire B.

What variables affect literacy development among K-3 students?

Sarah S.

How Does The Way California Fund Their Public Schools Affect Teaching And Learning In The South Central LA School Districts?

Karisa GM

How Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy Causing Mutations in the Lever Arm of the Myosin Motor Affect the Function of the Myosin

Michael C.

Analyzing the optogenetically stimulated neurons in the Bed Nucleus of the Stria Terminalis (BNST) region of mice through behavioral testing and cell analysis

Neelima V.

Reducing Terrorist Upbringing by Analyzing the Psychological Backgrounds of Terrorists in the Middle East

Will W.

How Does the Music Industry’s Combination of So Many Styles of Music Contribute to Racial Segregation in the Music Industry?

Marina B.

Given partial observations of a natural image, can a network be trained that can accurately predict the missing portion to a realistic standard?

Kevin F.

Identifying the Connection Between Low Wages and Obesity in Santa Clara County

Dara H.

What‌ ‌Effect‌ ‌does‌ ‌the‌ ‌“Three‌ ‌Obediences‌ ‌and‌ ‌Four‌ ‌Virtues”‌ ‌Principles‌ ‌Have‌ ‌on‌ ‌Chinese‌ ‌Gender‌ ‌Inequality?‌ ‌

Zihao L.

Reducing Clothing Waste in Palo Alto: The Environmental Impact of the Fashion Industry and Possible Solutions.

Adam S.

The Anonym Project

Yara S.

How is the globalization of social media and the rising prevalence of connectivity affecting the state of poverty in developing countries?

Dana Z.

How Does Race Influence Rates of Excessive Force Among Policing In the United States?

Cristian R.

Addressing Consequences On High School Student Sleep Health As A Result Of COVID-19

Myra X.

Identifying Effective Instructional Technology in 6-8 Education

Aditi P.

What are the effects of total school spending per student on educational outcomes in California? How can the allocation of school funding provide equitable access to education?

Josh D.

Autism and Poverty

Audrey G.

Financial Inequality in SAT Scores

Max P.

What measures can students take to effectively alleviate academic pressure and stress? How effective is the therapy-duo model in reducing academic pressure and stress?

Timothy L.

How 4D Printing, Smart Materials, and Self-Assembly Can Be Implemented Together to Protect Humans in Hostile Situations While in Space

Kaushik S.

Finding Changes in the Tonic of Indian Classical Music

Samhita K.

Basics of Acoustics

Linda L.

Impact Of Music On The 8 Wellness Factors In High School Students

Ava S.

Increasing Access to Higher Education for Low-Income Students

Sarah S.

Improving Animal Models Best Represent Alzheimer’s Disease

Iris H.

Educational Inequality in Lower Income Communities in the Bay Area

Gaurav T.

How Changes in Gene Expression Affect Phenotypes and Clinical Outcomes for Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma

Janet L.

Robotics for All: Development and Growth of a Non-Profit

Max G.

How Mindfulness Meditation for Students May Close the Achievement Gap

Zander D.

Affordable Compared to Luxury Drug Rehabilitation Centers Through Meditation

Declan K.

What variables in the score of a film potentially impact viewer motivation?

Stella M.

How can a decision tree help guide patients through consideration for the different walking devices available to them?

Lydia T.

How can a program be written to develop a percentage value for a stop loss on any security that minimizes loss (or maximizes profit), based on analysis of that security’s historical price?

Ayush G. & Robbie S.

The Impact of the Coronavirus Pandemic on High School Students' Academic Success and Well-Being: Remedies and Support Strategies

Max C.

The Future of Women’s Rights in Nigeria: A Study on the Impact of Culture on Sexism in Nigeria

Angelica N.

Paly Student Satisfaction with School Wellness Programs

Jasmine M.-P.

Comparing the Affordability of Patented and Brand-Name Prescription Drugs for the Average Citizen in Thailand vs. the U.S.

Julia C.

Investigating Perception of Bias in U.S. News Outlets

Olivia C.

Can Transit Oriented Development Effectively Increase Voter Turnout among Historically Underrepresented Minorities?

Mathew S.-K.

Current Approaches at Minimizing the Consequences of Prenatal Exposure to Opioids in the AI/AN Populations of California

Michelle L. and Emily Z.

What strategies can Palo Alto Unified School District (PAUSD) use to effectively reduce the amount of waste created and increase the efficiency in which waste is sorted (into recycling, compost, and landfill bins) on elementary, middle school, and high school campuses? Furthermore, what are the fiscal effects of reducing and sorting waste on PAUSD campuses?

Leila T.

Causes of Stigma Against Students with ADHD in Palo Alto and How to Counter Them

Margaret L.

Automated Detection of Cars for the Visually Impaired to Cross Roads

Sangeet S.

Modeling and Comparing the Effectiveness of Combinations of Solutions to Renewable-Caused Instability

Patrick X.

How High Schools in America Support Students with Mental Health Issues

Olivia W.

eDNA sequencing on forest diversity

Sam L.

How Tobacco and Vaping Advertisements Target Young Adults in Low Socioeconomic Communities

Hanna C.

COVID-19's Impact on Working Mothers

Cate B.

Analyzing Guard-on-Inmate Sexual Violence in Women’s Correctional Facilities

Ria R.

Study on the Effect of Doped Vertical Co, Ni, Fe Dimers in Pristine Graphene

Joshua C.

Environmental Racism

Ricardo L

What are the Impacts of Instagram on Teenage Mental Health Compared to Individuals Above 20?

Tiffany S.

The Future of Video Games in Education

Marissa T.

What is a feasible financial plan for the Palo Alto Airport's next three Airport Days?

Cindy G.

Dear Zuck, You Suck!

Allie D.

What is the effect of using actergy as a metric on developing muscle training and sports performance?

Sean L.

Portrayal of Characters in TV with Invisible Disabilities and the Effect of These Performances on Neurologically Atypical Viewers

Patille P.

How can we make school settings more inclusive In for students with intellectual/developmental disabilities?

Lily D.

The Challenges of Creating an Environmentally Sustainable Company: with a Focus on the Reduction of Plastic Waste

Maxwell C.

The Correlation Between the U.S.’s Mental Health Care System and Crime Rates:

Sophie R.

Examining variables that measure seismic safety in Palo Alto High School's buildings.

Vivian W.

Representation of Minority Artists in Museums

Charlie W.

Mental Health in the Juvenile Justice System

Tyler M.

Water Equity For All: A deep look into health Inequalities local indigenous tribes face due to lack of clean reliable water

Ami S.

Individual Narratives of Incarcerated Peoples & Successful Rehabilitation in the US

Nico L.

Fostering Low-Income Academic Success Through Group Tutoring

Nico R. and Whitley S.

Understanding gut bacteria’s effect on the onset of neurodegenerative diseases

Wendy X. and Christine Z.

Analysis of Variance for Rubik's Cube Solving Speed

Kepler B.

How has the role of African American females in television, movies, and plays evolved over time? What variables affected this evolution?

Nadia L.

Older Adults’ Core Values in Recreational Activities as Predicted by Developmental Psychology with Emphasis on Cultural Disparities

Jessica Z. and Sarah B.

What are the effects of discrimination and stereotype threat on growth mindset among minority students?

Layla S.

The Chester Project

Lindsey M

Investigating Hydrogen as a Potential Alternative to Kerosene in Fueling Commercial Aircraft

Alexander G.

Therapist Perceptions on LGBTQ IPV and Adherence to Treatment Guidelines

Jack P.

Harnessing the Power of the Ocean: Designing a Portable and Efficient Wave Energy Converter Prototype

Isabel S

Reasons for High Dropout Rates in World Language Classes and How to Encourage Students to Continue in Language Education

Clare T.

Web Development and Maintenance in Small Businesses

Hannah Z.

How Does the Justice System Disproportionately Affect Prisoners with Mental Health Issues in How They are Treated by Correctional Officers Along with the Resources They Have in Southern Prisons?

Erin F.

Comparing Impacts of Deforestation Caused by Agribusiness, Logging Industries, and Oil Production on the Biodiversity Index of Vulnerable Ecosystems (Protected vs. Unprotected)

Reed S.

How does systemic racism persist in America's prison system?

Dorian J.

The Influence of Policy on Player Safety: The NFL and Social Justice

Jason A.

Water Filtration and Purification

Richard L. & Caroline L.

Implementing social-emotional learning programs impacts children's self-esteem

Gali N.

How to Optimize and Naturalize Computer-Designed Images

Andrew Z.

What are some of the effects of Natural products and substances, such as Panax ginseng, on tau pathology in Alzheimer’s Disease patients?

Lawerence C. & David S.

Automated Detection of Suboptimal Fat Suppression

Sauram V.

Integrating Autonomous Vehicles into Current Roadway Networks

Devin A.

Why does Palo Alto’s African American Population Stand at Just 1.6%, and What are the Problems in the City’s Methods to Address this Disparity?

Will T

Politics of Alto High School Social Justice Students

Hannah S.

How will mental training affect the number of strokes per round of professional golfers compared to those who get no training?

Joshua W.

Reasons for and Impacts of Schools Cutting Their Arts Programs

Alberto S.

New Historicism and Virginia Woolf: The Erasure of Queer Identities from History

Eloise D.

How can a decision tree help guide patients through consideration for the different walking devices available to them?

Lydia T. & Amy W.

How has autism research developed in recent years?

Reza N.

What novel stem cell and prostate cancer biomarkers located on the cell surface can researchers and clinicians use as therapeutic targets?

Jenica W.

What Was Queer Life Like During WWII?

Harvey V.

Improving the Lives of LGBTQ+ Students through Educating the Adults in their Lives

Samuel F. Olivia S.

What are the correlations between different types of solar panels (monocrystalline, polycrystalline, and thin film) and the amount of energy output?

Veronica P.

How the Length of DNA Multimers Influences the Efficiency of Transforming the Bacteria Bacillus Subtilis

Joy H., Stephanie Z.

How can certain visual stimulants provide temporary relief to opiate users going through withdrawal symptoms?

Kellyn S.

How does the method of CRISPR cas 9 work to construct a tool to study the mechanisms of mutated NF2 gene in neurofibromatosis type 2?

Anna S. & Annie T.

Exploring Alternative Methods and Strategies for Commercial Fishing Concerning Environmental Health and Industry Benefit

Cade C.

Preventing Pedestrian-Involved Automobile Accidents Using Inexpensive Portable Warning Systems (PWS) Leveraging Technology Advancements in Sensors and Machine Learning Software

Akul D.

Drug & Alcohol Use Affect on Academic Success of High School Students

Diego A.

The Effect of Culturally Responsive Therapists for Minority Students

Noor N

Impacts of Zero Tolerance Policies in Education on Minorities and Students of Color

Shriya R.

Privacy in the 21st Century

Samarth P.

The Impact and Benefits of Implementing an Anti-Bias Lending Library

Alden B.

Identifying Effective Sensor and Algorithm Pairs for Obstacle Avoidance in Self-Driving Cars

Kevin B.

How a Circular-Business Model in the Eyewear Industry Impacts Individuals’ Ability to Lower Their Environmental Footprint

Brooke T.

Emphasizing the Significance of Bridging Communities and Public Health Equity Through Media

Dahlia V.

Effects of AI in a Changing Business Climate

Arjun S.

The Influence of Social Media on Teenagers' Perceptions of Healthy Relationships

Zoë W.

The Effect of Embedding Transition Metals on the Spintronic Properties of Graphene Ribbons

Michael C.

Optimal Sterilization of Bacterial Through Different Concentration of Alcohol

Clair K.

The Impact of AI on Sports Recruiting

Hanu T.

How do sales/ marketing representatives use R&D investments to help market their products?

Serina N.

How do the effects of subliminal perception impact gender-neutral advertisements?

Alicia C.

Conquering the Student Gap in Computer Science

Alina L.

How does the financial aid application affect higher education enrollment among students from low socioeconomic backgrounds?

Corinne S.

Impact of Mindfulness and Meditation on Strengthening Teenagers Ability to Focus in Stressful Situations

Isha N.


Anna T.

Music Program Inequities in Elementary Schools.

Miya J.

Name Changes for Social Change

Rachael V.

Design of Visual Recognition Software to Analyze Deep Brain Stimulation Video.

Xavier L.

What Does the History of Real Estate Discrimination Look Like in the San Francisco Bay Area and How Has it Discriminated Against Minorities?

Kendall T.

How Different Kinds of Media Affect Perception of Mental Health

Oscar S.

How does access to sports affect juvenile delinquency?

Charlie M.

Self-Folding Robots: How They Work and What Applications They Have

Allison Y.

Disparities in Female-Oriented Healthcare and Medical Research

Brooke H.

How Art Can Help Students with Autism

Kaitlyn H.

The Effects of Priming on Object Localization in the Visual Field

Edmund L.

Impact of Paris Climate Accords on CO2/GHG Emissions: Comparative Study of U.K. and Canada to Determine Best Practices

Ryan P.

How Does the Lack of Ethnic Diversity in Genome-Wide Association Studies Contribute to Inaccurate Risk Estimates of Genetic Risk for Minority Groups as Opposed to Populations of European Descent?

Sadie I.

Consequences of Climate Change on Native Hawaiians

Bella D.

How can simulations be used to determine and minimize the causes and effects of wireless interference?

Rafi L.

The Effects of Barnyard Animals on Youth with Special Needs

Saumya K.

What's Happening with Homelessness in San Francisco

Cal C.

How People from Low Socioeconomic Backgrounds Experience Barriers to Entry for a Youth Soccer Club

Kenzo M.

How to Minimize Risk in Stock Market Investment

Arjun K.

How does writing capabilities compare between students with English Only background and students from non-English Only Background (English Learner, non-English speaking parents)?

Molly W.

Empowering And Instilling A Growth Mindset Into Young Girls Through Youth Mentorship.

Adrienne Y. and Kirsten R.

The State of Arts Education in K-12 Public Schools

Kelsey L.

How does post-secondary education affect PAUSD graduates?

Meghna S.

Analysis of Developing Countries in Southeast Asia

Christine T.

The Effect of Zoning Regulations and Exclusionary Zoning in Palo Alto

Sahil S.

Representation of Indigenous Peoples in K–Social Studies Curricula

Thomas L.

"Pasung" Shackling the Mentally Ill in Indonesia

Dhesya S.

The Effectiveness of Breathing Techniques in Improving Athletes' Mindsets and Resilience to Failure

Ellie J.

What is the most efficient way to dispatch taxis to optimize time and maximize revenue?

Rachel C.

How does the protein Ptch in the Hh pathway bond with cholesterol?

Youngju K.

How does economic status, location, and other factors impact patients suffering from various diseases such as Multiple Sclerosis (MS), traumatic brain injury, Parkinson's Disease, or stroke?

Amy W.

How Does Gender Have an Effect on the Wage of a Person Working in PAUSD and How Do the Wages Compare Between Genders?

Lulu G.

How PAUSD Can Encourage Racial Diversity in Honors and AP STEM Classes

Chiara B.

The Role of Democracy in 2020 Taiwanese Presidential Election

Yi-Jie T.

Effective Policies to Maximize Smartphone Utility in Classrooms

Jerry H.

What are the economic and societal effects of alcohol abuse in the workplace?

Aicha C.

Identifying Sequence Elements in the 5’UTR of mRNA that correlate with Translational Efficiency in H.Capsulatum

Annika V.

How can user mouse movement patterns be used to improve A/B testing?

Daniel C.

Factors that Influence Memorability and Triggers that Aids the Recalling of Positive Childhood Experiences

Joy O.

Case Study of Bay Area Entrepreneurs

Lara N.

Sustainable Plants in the Palo Alto Climate

Rahul K.

Using a Neural Network to Predict Social Media Reactions to the Aesthetic Qualities of an Image

Ramsey B

Stereotype Threat and Self-Affirmation in PAUSD

Kobi J.

Socioeconomic Impact of California Wild Fires and the Importance of Community Engagement in Land Management

Otto B

Using Emotions to Improve Memorization

Isha R.

What characteristics of a Californian employment reentry program are the most effective in reducing recidivism?

Ahshima S.

Establishing a Connection in Teens and Elderly Through Intergenerational Events Held at Lytton Gardens Assisted Living

Lia O. Samhita K. Namya K.

Impacting Mental Health Awareness in Latino Communities

Itzel A.

4ai: an Accessibilty Nonprofit

Ashley P. and Cathy H.

What protective factors can be used to more effectively safeguard adolescence from the dangers of social media, without impeding their independence?

Kyle W.

Coach Education and the Mental Health of Female Athletes: A Dyadic Relationship

Kiana F.

Low Numbers of Female First Responders– Investigation on Firefighting/Law Enforcement

Juanpablo C.

Improvement of Communication Devices for Children with Speech Impediments

Ava R.

Musical Machine Learning

Nicholas C.

What are the social-emotional effects of laning at Palo Alto High School?

Matthew S.

Impact of Gun Legislation on Gang-Related Violence

Miles B.

The Importance of Student Participation in Language Development from Middle School to High School

Arman M.

Connection between Contamination of Coastlines and Surf Break Pollution

Alex W.

How Adoption of Cryptocurrencies (e.g., Bitcoin) as a Mainstream Form of Payment Might Be Affected as High-Frequency Trading Becomes More Prevalent Among Major Currencies

Aidan H.

Using Game Theory to Change the Booster Vaccine Distribution and Lower COVID-19 Deaths

Shuya L.

Using Ocean Waves to Generate Power

Isabel S.

Impact of Social Media’s Use of Photography on Teenagers Under the Age of 18 in the United States

Stella D.

How does providing full day kindergarten correlate with the achievement gap?

Kira E.

Big Brothers Big Sisters: High School Students Preparing Middle Schoolers for High School Through a Mentoring Program

Zoe W., Anna T., and Cameryn H.

System 1 and System 2 Persuasion Tactics and Their Impacts on Secondary School Absenteeism

Aditya M.

Greenland Ice Sheet (GrIS) Margin Retreat Driven By Marine Outlet Glacier Activity

Arunim A.

Improving Effective Use of Existing Technology in Public Schools

Vivian N.

Comprehensive Health Education for Students in Grades K-5

Caitlin G. and Anika T.

How can all polygons that can arise as tile shapes in Voronoi grid deletion tilings be characterize?

Michael N.

What Is The Availability Of Mental Health Education And Supports For Middle Schoolers?

Anna T.

The impact of screen time on children’s social emotional abilities

Claudia W.

How can a transportation market optimize ways to dispatch drivers to passengers while maximizing efficiency and revenue?

Rachel C.

Food Waste in Bay Area High School

Kai M.

Comparison of Left-Behind Children in Rural China and Immigrant Chinese Students in the United States

Stella (Qinqin) W.

Racial Disparity in Standardized Testing

Charlotte C.

Efficacy of gene editing without immunosuppressants as a treatment for type 1 diabetes

Lucy G.

Voter Turnout Among Young Adults in Palo Alto

Zoe S.

Sports Injuries in Female High School Athletes: Analysis of Strength Training Frequency for Injury Prevention

Vienna L.

The Relationship Between a Culture of Happiness, Mental Health, and Emotional Health Among Silicon Valley Youth

Emily C.

How Low Income California Residents Are Affected by Their Enrollment with MediCal

Madeline M.


Laird O.

Suppression of Votes in Low-Income Communities During the 2020 Primary Election

Krista R.

A Comprehensive Examination of Regulations and Apprenticeships in the Body Modification Industry

Lee B.

A Study of the Involvement and Potential of Music Therapy in Care Facilities as Treatment for Alzheimer’s Disease

Sarah B.

Aquaponic Design and Efficiency in Certain Environments

Lance K.

How does embedding various metals in 6 by 6 sheets of boron nitride affect its properties?

Michael C. & Nihar M.

The Impacts of Economic Stressors on Child Brain Development and Academic Performance

Sirisha M.

Using Computational Modeling Techniques to Analyze Cancer Cell/Tumor Growth, and Identifying Best Methods of Analyzing Data from Tools like Mass Spectrometry When Studying Tumor Growth

Anuva B.

What ways can we reuse water so that it’s safe to drink?

Mina K. & Bethany S.

How Silicon Valley Companies Can Provide More Job Opportunities to Local Residents

Jenna O.

How‌ ‌Does‌ ‌the‌ ‌Cost‌ ‌of‌ ‌Healthcare‌ ‌in‌ ‌America‌ ‌Affect‌ ‌Marginalized‌ ‌Populations,‌ ‌such‌ ‌as‌ ‌Indigenous‌ ‌Ones,‌ ‌as‌ ‌Compared‌ ‌to‌ ‌the‌ ‌Caucasian ‌Population?

Giulia L.

What affect does demographics have on phone choice?

Norman K. & Edward K.

40%: The Process of Designing Sustainable Affordable Housing Units

Kali R.

What are effective solutions for air particle pollution in underdeveloped countries?

Claire Q.

How Government Policy Relating to Homelessness Affects the Education of Homeless Youth in the Bay Area

Louisa K.

What is the potential of machine learning in analyzing financial data to make better risk-informed decisions?

Nicholas Z.

How does inserting different transitional metal atoms into a 6 by 6 cell of silicene affect its catalytic properties?

Frederick N.

Analyzing strategies used to tell an engaging story to a modern demographic?

Jacques M.

Point-of-Care Testing

Roy J.

How does the amount of sleep affect an adolescent athlete's performance?

Amber F. & Claire L.

Signs Reagan Writing and Speaking Show Indicating Early Signs of Alzheimer's

Maxwell K

Cross-Comparison of Thraco-Pelasgian with Lycian

Aosheng P.

Variations that Affect the Risk of Narcolepsy

Christine Z.

Does The Lack Of Resources For Adolescents With Mental Health Living In Low Income Areas Affect The Severity Of The Conditions In Comparison To Adolescents With Mental Health Outlets?

Corinne B.

How has the San Francisco Baylands Ecosystem changed in the last century?

Connor L. & Daniel N.

Improving Female Portrayal in Video Games Through Examining the Industry

Charlotte I.

Student Success: Is Scoring high on the SAT All About smarts?

Eliza G.

Mental health in elite gymnasts from adolescence to olympics; a changing relationship

Ellery A.

How the Grieving Process Differs for Children Who Have Lost Parents vs. Parents Who Have Lost Children

Mahati S.

Barriers to Reporting Sexual Harassment at Palo Alto High School

Alexa A.

Relationships between Sleep Patterns in Introversion/Extroversion

Ananya K.


Mae C.

Differences in Indie and Corporate Game Development

Megan H.

What are the social and cognitive effects of using a dumbphone among adolescents?

Bryce D.

How can stem cell therapy be used to help stroke patients recover?

Ankita A.

The results of foundational, specific workouts and diversified sports on the rate of injury compared to the rate of injury of a specialized athlete.

Max Y.

How Contemporary Female Artists Have Succeeded Despite Historical Bias

Esther L.

What factors have historically affected the homicide rate in the United States, the rise of homicides in 2015?

Amar S.

The Effects of Stress on Working Memory in High School Students

John L.

Universal Preschool and its Relation to Closing the Achievement Gap

Isabella K.

How Can Ocean Therapy be Utilized to Lessen the Repercussions of Anxiety Disorders for U.S Citizens in the Bay Area?

Diego D.

Meal Preparation Post Graduation

Quinn S.

What strategies could help increase electric bike safety at Bay Area High Schools?

Owen K. and Phela D.

What are the daily effects of familial hypercholesterolemia and other inherited heart diseases on patients?

Ria S. & Brian C.

What Makes a Teenager an “Early Bird” or a “Night Owl,” and How Should These Adolescent Sleep Preferences Factor into Our School Start Times?

Melody X.

Investigating the Susceptibility to Misinformation Through Behavioral Factors

Sally L. & Jasmine W.

How does the change in elevation of coastal mountains caused by introduced species like eucalyptus contribute to the increasingly dry seasons in the Bay Area?

Claire H.

How can machine learning be used to teach a computer to create art?

Tyler P. & Josh S.

How Different Types of Unstable Housing Situations Lead to Distinct Health Outcomes Among HIV/AIDS Patients who Experience Housing Insecurity

Alexandra S.

Improving Mental Health for Youth Through Collaborative Art and Community Building

Nishi G.

Comparing the quality of Chinese and English translations of Japanese text through studying two notable pieces of Japanese literature and their translations.

Cynthia Z.

Identifying the Impact of Globalization of Western Fashion Media on Eating Disorders in Japan

Samhita J.

Effectiveness of Academic Support/Resources post DreamCatchers

Katherine B.

Analyzing the Achievement Gap in the Bay Area

Alia J.

Social Media: Implications for Adolescent Emotional Well-Being

Ashley M.

Developing a Better Litter Prevention Program

Julie C.

Identifying Post-Secondary Options

Damian A.

Applications of AI in the Medical Field

Elliott K

How Toxicity and Gender Change the Way People Play Games Before the Game Even Starts

Alex A.

Does relativity affect voter preferences in primary and local elections?

Avi T.

Bridging the Gap in Pediatric Palliative Care for Terminally Ill Patients

Avantika S.

How can implementing t-shades and other renewable sources of energy affect Palo Alto Airport's sustainability?

Simran P.

How has the involvement of Asian-Americans in the film industry evolved?

Callia T.

Automated Segmentation and Measurement of Aortic Aneurysms in Computed Tomography Angiography Using Deep Learning

Adrit R.

Social Support and SELF Ambassadors

Madeline L.

Education and Inclusion for Students with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities in Postsecondary Education

Hyewon A.

The Impact of Community Gardening on Nutrition and Eating Habits

Kate O'C.

What variables contribute to an entrepreneur's success? How can adolescents develop successful entrepreneurial characteristics?

Soumya J.

What are the biochemical changes in patients with Parkinson’s disease?

Allison C.

The Mental Health Access Gap in Bay Area Middle Schools

Sophia T.

Assistance for the Oglala Sioux Population

Natalia B.

Inclusive Learning in Special Education

Sophia H

Mitigating Biodiversity Loss from Building Solar Farms through Urban Solutions

Flynn K.

In addition to the price to earnings ratios dominant effect on a stock’s price, does a company’s balance sheet information, namely, cash flow, have a further effect?

Daniel Z.

Youth Voter Turnout in California

Nadia S.

Mandatory Computer Science in School

Nathan C.

Regulatory Challenges in the Food Industry: Impact on Small Businesses

Nazira M.

Relationships Between Economic Status and Extracurricular Participation in Palo Alto

Marissa L.

Psychological Factors that Affect Customer Buying Behavior and Effectiveness at Which Companies Match Them

Alan G.

The use of Angiogenesis to treat Myocardial Infarction Injury

Jason L.

Testing Graph Theory's Usefulness in Creating New Materials with Expected Properties through Computational Experiments Through Quantum Espresso Computer Simulations

Frederick N.

What Changes Need to Occur Within the Healthcare Training System to Ensure that Women's Health is Equally as Prioritized, Studied, and Researched as Men's Health?

Dana T.

Interest Levels in Science Classes at Paly

Jonathan S.

Clothing Waste

Nina C.

How can artificial intelligence affect user engagement in video games?

Kavi G.

Differences Between an Underground Artist and a Mainstream Artist

Exodus T.

How Feelings Towards Math Change Among High School Students and Teachers by Math Course

Kylie T.

Housing and Healthcare Policies in the Bay Area for Low-Income, Undocumented, and Other Underrepresented Communities.

Maya M. Zara M.

The effects of the lack of affordable housing in Palo Alto on teachers on staff working in the school district.

Brandon L.

What variables affect students' educational aspirations and confidence?

Jack F.

Designing a Sustainable Residential House that Incorporates Palo Alto’s Climate and Environment to Reduce Utility Fees

Hyunah R.

Analyzing Former NBA Trades to Predict Upcoming Trades

Mihir G.

How can statistics be used to better understand injuries to baseball athletes?

Jeremy A. & Niko L.

Are Chatbots More Effective in Engaging with Autistic Individuals between 13 and 18 years old in Comparison to Therapists conducting Psychotherapy?

Zachary F.

Projections of Mineral Demands and an Ethical Future

Sabine C.

Impact of STEM Literacy on SpringBoard to Kindergarten and Kindergarten Readiness

Brianna M.

Economic Gardens

Jeremiah C.

The Harmful Effects of Gentrification

Miguel G.

Strategies on Ending Child Marriage

Tyler V.

Effectiveness of the Voluntary Transfer Program

Ben B.

How does a patient's emotions affect their cancer development?

Ronald O.

How Can the Effect of Covid-19 on Child Abuse Rates Help Identify the Root Causes of Child Abuse?

Georgia B.

How Can we Improve the Coverage and Efficiency of Algorithms for the Automated Testing of Android Mobile Applications?

Arul M.

Alternative Materials for Synthesizing Bioartificial Kidney Tissue

Shalen A.

The Ideal Sexual Education for Middle and High School, and How It Compares to PAUSD's Sexual Education

Beatrice W.

The influence of Positive Coaching Techniques on Youth Athletes

Anthony L.

Impact of Anti-Homeless Architecture in the Bay Area

Ian L.H.

How can the exposure of classical music affect the condition of people with Alzheimer’s?

Mehrnaz M.

Infrared Sensor on Arduino Self-Driving Car

Kevin B.

Aristotle and Hampshire, a Comparative Analysis

Janus L.

Building Relationships Between High School English Learning Students and English-Speaking Students

Elizabeth G. and Parker V.

Influence of Misinformation in the Media on Riots and Hate Crimes

Madeleine E.

Digitizing Indigenous Knowledge: AI Bias Reduction and Cultural Preservation

Griffin S.

Rape Culture in Academic Environments and the Efficacy of Title IX Supports

Georgina C.

Causes, Effects, and Solutions to Groundwater Depletion in California

Tanvi R.

Making Meaning Through Self Portraits

Naomi S.

Impacts of the United States Foster Care System on Foster Care Youths

Hailene S.

How can one construct a hydraulophone (instrument) that displays a visual representation of the sound it produces?

Josh C.

Why Students in a High Achieving Suburban High School Do Not Seek Mental Health Support

Samantha L.

How Levels of the EGFR Protein in Cells Relate to Cancer Rates

Isha R.

Impacts of Social Media on Political Polarization in People Ages 18-30

Vinay R.

Indoor pollution and cooking

Jane L.

Correcting Yoga Poses through Pose Estimation

Ziyue W.

Underlying Causes of Incarceration and Preventing Recidivism

Darrow H.

How does the diversity of a classroom affect the mindset of students? How do the mindsets of HUR students compare to others?

Kaitlin C., Ahana G., & Zahra M.

National Anthem Protests and the Effectiveness of the 2018 Nike Campaign in Raising Awareness about Racial Bias

Bakari S.

Analyzing Sounds Emitted by Motorized Vehicles

David S.

Teacher Well-Being

Bridget L. and Kristina I.

The Effects of Particle Interactions on Nuclear Level Density and Temperature in the sd-space

Alex B.

How can we find a way to incorporate physical therapy into the clubfoot treatment, which can be understood by any language and without internet access, for kids in developing countries in the most effective way?

Isabelle C.

What are effective measure PAUSD community members can take to reduce teen stress in PAUSD?

Tanner N.

Use of Facial Recognition Technology in Law Enforcement

Sasha L.

Why Don't We Use Closed Captions?

Senja J

Exploring the Intersection of Cognitive Science and Jane Austen's Novels

Vandana R.

Differences in the Economy and Health of East Palo Alto and Palo Alto as a Result of Water Allocation and Quality

Shana E.

Business Owners and Mislabeling in the Seafood Industry

Varun D.

Examining the Impact of Racial Bias on Police Use of Force

William F.

Improving Student Well-being: Implementing On-Campus interventions in Bay Area High Schools

Halina N.

How Does the Amount of Music Exposure or Experience Affect the Effect of Music Therapy for Alzheimer's Patients Over the Age of 60?

Rohini B.

How can the overexploitation of fisheries and financial inequality be minimized in the South China Sea?

Caroline M.

Closing the Orgasm Gap: Unraveling Societal Influences and Enhancing Sexual Education

Jules I.

How can machine learning be used to analyze a website’s design by using data about human preferences based on age and/or gender? How can it provide insight on the website entrance's appeal to its target audiences?

Adnaan S.

Navigating the Complex Interplay: Chronic Stress, Hormone Dynamics and Management for Women's Menstrual Irregularities

Chloe C.

Unattainable Standards: How Fashion and Body Type Trends Create an Unrealistic Idea of Beauty

Erin V.

Perceptions of Undocumented Immigrants from Latin America by Bay Area Residents

Cade R.

Process and Impact of Reporting Sexual Assaults in a University Setting

Malia C.

The Mental Health Access Gap in Bay Area Middle Schools

Julia M.

Bias in the Current Artificial Iintelligent Facial Recognition Algorithms

Ruge J.

What barriers do women in law enforcement face, and what are the most effective ways to combat them within the existing institutional structures?

Anna W.

Rebuilding the Fletcher Garden and Providing Environment-Focussed Curriculum

Shira G.

How the use and accessibility of fentanyl compared to other illicit drugs impact high schooler’s academic success

Kendall M.

Volunteerism and Veterans' Morale

Kaitlin M.

How turmeric biomolecules’ molecular structure allows for extensive usage in various fields

Aareev P.

What are the educational outcomes of students in East Palo Alto and what variables affect these outcomes?

Jordan Q.

Is Mask-Wearing Compliance in High-School Age Students Correlated with Self-Reported Anxiety Symptoms Compared to Students Who Do Not Wear a Mask?

Helena D.

Educating Teens to Provide Support for Underaged Sexual Abuse Victims

Allegra T., Katie H., and Justin S.

What variables affect East Palo Alto residents' access to healthy food?

Yotam P.

The Genetics of Melanoma

Pooja A.

Mitigation of Plate Waste at Gunn

Quentin S.

Determining Correlation Between Pediatric Cancer and Mental Health Outcomes in Adult Survivors

Isabella O.

A Personal Memoir

Rachel S.

How a Photovoltaic (PV) System is Planned and Funded, and the Impact of PV on the Local Community

Juan A.

How can Palo Alto Senior High school work to address gap in diversity within laned and unlaned classes?

Jessica W.

Lessons from the USA's Entrepreneurial Successes

Aneesh A.

How Does Differing Access to Postpartum Care Between Black and White Mothers in California Impact Maternal Mortality Disparities?

Dominique L.

How can we market new goods and products to most effectively target Palo Alto High School students?

Andrew S.

A Curriculum to Educate Teens About Intimate Partner Abuse

Kat S., Bill L., and Lucy L.

Environmental Social Justice: Superfund Sites

Benjamin M.

How Sex Hormones' Effect on Skin Bacteria Reflects the Gender Bias of the Occurrence of Eczema

Chloe L.

Affordability of Medicine Within the United States

Julia C.

Anti-Trump Protests in Santa Clara County 2017-18

Dante K.

Bystander Wariness: Gender-Based Behavioral Reaction to Bystander Response Laws and Victim Profiles

Quentin S.

Overcoming Challenges to Installing Energy-Efficient Technologies in Low-Income Residential Buildings for Cost Savings and Carbon Reduction

Samantha L.

Impact of Connection between Concussions and Mental Health on Football Programs

Hazel S.

Harnessing the Power of the Ocean: Designing a Portable and Efficient Wave Energy Converter

Isabel S.

Idiopathic And PTSD-related Nightmare Disorder And Chronic Nightmares.

Asha M.

How different grade levels implement play based learning in their classrooms.

Brody R.

Boosting Literacy and Wellbeing in First Grade Students Through High School Buddies

Violet T. Hannah F. Maryanne H.

Which tactics and ideologies of al-Qaeda and the Muslim Brotherhood work to achieve their respective goals, and which are counterproductive?

Jenna K.

How does positive representation in children’s picture storybooks affect children in preschool’s internalized biases compared to books that do not represent diversity?

Hailey O.

How does prior knowledge of chemicals in pesticides affect consumer attitudes towards organic versus nonorganic food?

Adrienne K.

The Disproportionate Effects of Climate Change on BIPOC and Low-Income Communities

Rowan E.

What marketing strategies are most effective in recruiting AAR students with diverse interests?

Angus S.

How can human trafficking deterrents be successful in Southeast Asia?

Kaila C.

Applying Vortex Waves to Radio Communication

Roy G.

Economical Transport of Probes into Interstellar Space

Naveen T.

How Will a Fully Developed BIM Influence and Improve Architecture?

Brian L.

Know the Facts, Save Lives: Raising Awareness about the Dangers of Fentanyl in a Bay Area High School

Gwen B. Clea D. Severiano O.

The Relationship Between Socioeconomic Status And The Rate Of Concussion Diagnosis Among Bay Area High School Students (ages 14-18).

Alexa G.

Effectiveness and Availability of Equine-Assisted Psychotherapy for People with Mental Challenges in the Bay Area

Emma V.

How Social Media Affects Gender Equality

Riya S.

Benefits of Teens Maintaining a Paid Job in Silicon Valley, California

Brooke M.

Analysis of the evolution of Sindhi Identity during the Partition of India

Abhivir I.

How are Black Women Being Discriminated Against when Receiving Reproductive Healthcare Compared to White Women?

Seymour A.

The Math Achievement Gap in PAUSD Schools

Paige T.

Impact of Open Sexual and Racial Identity on Athletes Careers in Sports

Hasan M.

What impacts does climate change impact children's cognitive development, physical and emotional well-being, and behavior?

Katherine S.

Effectiveness of Safety Technology on Military Aviation over the Past 100 Years: How Technologically Driven Reductions in Pilot Error Reduce the Number of Incidents

Oscar L.

What affect meditation have on perceptions of pain?

Elizabeth C.

Ending Patent Trolls

Reza N.

Managing Flood Damage for East Palo Alto

Siddhant A.

What variables affect the Palo Alto community's response to homelessness?

Jordan S.

Non-Traditional Variables for Measuring the Stability of the Economy

Lawrence F.

Water Bottling in Arrowhead Springs

K.C. F.

Mandatory Positive Coaching Training for Coaches Renting Field Space from Palo Alto to Reduce Toxic Masculinity in Youth Sports

Isai P.

Assessing the Efficacy of Novel Algorithms in Identifying Mental Health Outcomes among Young Adults in the United States

Avi V.

How have marketing strategies of large corporations differed in developing countries versus in first world countries in the scope of the past two decades?

Adeline Z.

Imapct of New PMTA Regulation Policies on Tobacco Industry Marketing Strategies

Partha K.

How do Climate Change and Climate-Related Disasters Impact Minorities Disproportionately in the US?

Gretchen B.

Determining the Best Post-Graduation Options for High School Students Using Self-Interest Inventories and Research

Brandon P

Compared to teenage boys, what are the negative impacts that social media can have on the developing teenage girl brain, and how can they result in mental health and medical illnesses?

Martina K.

Impact of One-on-One Meetings for Low-Income PAUSD Families about A-G Requirements

Chloe L.

How Does The Varying Healthcare Style And Poor Financial State Of Developing African Countries In Comparison To The United States Affect Pediatric Healthcare Services?

Bridget P.

What Effect do Nutrition Classes Have on Eating Habits of Food Desert Residents?

Natalia C.

RNA Folding with CoFold

Edward T.

What Events Cause Changes in Partisanship in the US Congress?

Nora D.

How we can better support teachers' mental health to better education and experience for both students and educators

Alisa S.

Effects of Stereotyping in Type Casting on the Careers of Racial Minority Actors

Sarthak P.

How Legislation Aimed at the LGBT Community Impacts the Frequency and Nature of Hate Crimes in the U.S.

Megan G.

Do Concussions and Major Brain Injuries from Physical Sports Affect High School Student Athletes Grades to a Level That Would Warrant Accommodations?

Alex B.

What are the pros and cons of stem cells and gene therapy when used to cure blindness?

Ankur M. & Edward T.

Impact of Online Resources on Math Achievement in Middle School

Jay R.

Protections Against Pesticide Exposure for Farmworkers

Maya R.

Do Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) help preserve biodiversity in the Bay Area?

Ashley S.

How do the nonviolent movement leaders Aung San Suu Kyi and Martin Luther King intersect?

Julia C.

How a Systematic Process of Collecting and Presenting Evidence in Court Can Be Installed in the United States to Increase the Reliability of Forensic Science

Anna T.

Forgotten Women: A Study on Women of Color’s Exclusion in Reproductive Rights and Discussions in USA

Ekaterina O.

Mitigation of Modern Slavery in Santa Clara County

Justin S.

Why Digital Wallets Are Less Popular in the U.S. than in China

Audrey C.

Do Adults With Bachelor's Degrees Tend To Earn More Money Than Adults With High School Experience Or Community College?

Blake E.

Policy and the Movement of Undocumented Immigrants: A Look at the Correlation between State Policy and Undocumented Immigrant Populations in the United States over the Past 10 Years

Ben S. & Vyomika G.

Toxic Masculinity

Dean H.

The Potential of The Implementation of Artificial Intelligence into Healthcare

Jonathan Y.

What are the frequency trends of marijuana substance abuse among teenagers in California?

Annalise W. & Audrey L.

Awareness for Battered Woman Syndrome

Sofia M.

How does language used by retailers affect adolescent consumers?

Jacky M.

What variables affect low-income peoples' access to healthcare in California?

Caitlin D.

Arts for Opportunity

Owen R.

Impact of Support Classes in PAUSD

Amy L.

How Variation in Response to Medication due to CYP450 Enzymes Affects Adverse Drug Reaction Rates (in Terms of Health and Healthcare Costs) Through Prevention of Adverse Drug Reaction?

Renee S.

Increasing Awareness of the LGBTQIA Community Through the Implementation of Literature Featuring Positive Queer Representation Into Bay Area Middle School English Curriculum

Nicolas D. Jaya U.

How Stealth Aircraft Can Reduce the Cross-Section of Sensor Fusion

Jamisen M

What variables affect video game popularity?

Ethan A.

Environmental Education and It’s Outreach Due to COVID-19.

Molly O.

How do different teaching styles affect student engagement in middle school math classes?

Nicole L.

Bringing Alignment to the Paly Campus

Sophie Y.

iSocial: What are the effects of in-person social communities versus social media engagement on teenage mood, attention, and motivation?

Joshua K.

What are the Theoretical Arguments and Evidence For and Against the Ideas of Jordan Peterson, Specifically his Stance on Identity Politics, political Correctness, and the Meaning of Existence/Purpose of Life?

Michael X.

Minority Presence in Journalism

Hannah D.

Impact of Anti-Vaccination Movement on Public Understanding of Science

Lauren Y.

Environmental Impacts on the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Quantitative Analysis

Amelia Y.

The Effect of Music on Task Performance

Ishita M.

What art was created by women artists during Europe's Renaissance between 1400-1600, and why is their work overlooked today?

Juliet Y.

Effects of Misrepresented Female Characters in Video Games on Youth

Marissa T.

How Age Affects Perceptions of Inclusion of People with Disabilities

Amanda H.

Planetary Environments for Habitable Kepler Small Planet Candidates

Justin H.

What are the factors behind the rising prescription drug prices in America?

Kathleen L. & Stephanie Z.

How Can we Help Save our Forests in Third World Countries and Help Lessen the Spread of Deforestation?

Kathryn M.

What are teen pregnancy risk factors?

Tiaira W.

What Effect Would a Ban on Gas Cars Have on the Economy and Working Class Americans?

Edwin E.

How do the growth mindsets of Palo Alto High School students correlate with their susceptibility to gender stereotype threat?

Jeannette A.

The Impact of Social Media on Mental Health

Nura M.

Differences between American and European Ideas of a "Gap Year"

Charlie W

Performance and game factors influencing the fluctuating ticket prices of NBA games

Katherine C.

Are High School Students With Higher Family Income More Likely To Continue With Competitive Sports Than Students With A Lower Family Income?

Aidan R.

The Effect of Surface Contouring on Capacitive Computer Keyboard Sensitivity

Ethan C.

Shoe Startup Viability Within Their Respective Markets

Manu T.

The Location of the Tank Transmission Over Time

Nick M.

How Much Are Known Factors Correlated with Higher Risk of Alzheimer’s in African Americans Over the Age of 65 Compared to Other Ethnicities Over the Age of 65?

Emily W.

Racial Policing: How does racial profiling affect police action taken?

Rhys F.

What are the most significant environmental factors and genetic influences that increase the likelihood of developing Alzheimer’s disease?

Nathan R. & Micaela W.

What is the role of music in a teenager’s life, especially in helping them combat stress and improve performance?

Rhea J.

Without in-person, in-nature learning (due to the presence of Covid-19), how have environmental education programs adapted to these changes virtually, and are they as effective as they would be in person?

Molly O.

Why San Francisco has a housing crisis and how the city is working to solve it

Sofia D.

The Effect of Marginal Income Tax Rates on the GDP of the U.S. from 1997 to 2017

William X

What are the advantages and disadvantages of audio post-editing for a translator to learn colloquial expressions, and how does this compare to text post-editing?

Natalie L.

What is the effect of increasing deforestation on re-emerging diseases, specifically leptospirosis?

Paloma M.

How does a lack of empathy affect the patient’s mental and physical health?

Aareev P.

Can a player's union in international soccer help combat corruption within FIFA?

Asher F.


Olivia L.

Testing for a Link between Bacteriophages/Gut Bacteria and Parkinson's Disease

Wendy X and Christine Z

What kind of peptide chain inhibitor can be created to suppress the FOXP3 transcription factor and impair the development of regulatory T cells?

William P.

How does has the innovation of the personal computer (a.k.a. creative destruction, market-creating innovation) affected industries in the past and present? What can we predict from other, more current, effects based on this knowledge?

Samir P.

How Does Social Construct Play a Role in the Rising Rates of Teenage Addiction?

Madeline S.

How Social Factors, Such as Discrimination and Racial Profiling, Affect the Achievement Gap in Majority White Schools

Sarah M

Economic and Pathologist Effectiveness of Point-of-Care Diagnostics in Low-Income and Developing Countries

Jaehyun J.

How can Apple’s 2001 iPod marketing strategies be used to advertise products of silicon valley’s newest tech companies?

Toby L.

Identifying Effective Methods to Encourage Households to Compost

Maya A.

How has the increased use of technology affect company's branding styles?

Anmol N. & Shannon Z.

Graphene Doping

Catherine L.

How Carbon Emissions Affect Climate Change

Navid N.

Effective Mental Health Resources for the Asian Community

Eunchae H.

Creativity in Education: Creativity Carts

Sam G.

Enhancing PAUSD Middle School Knowledge: A-G Implementation at DreamCatchers

Betsabe A.

The Impact of Interpersonal Relations on Teacher Turnover

Bridget L.

Non-anatomical influences on female athlete injury rates

Elsie P.

How Media Impacts the Opinions of Palo Alto High School Students Regarding the NFL Protests

Will R.

Improving Math Literacy in Young Fives: An Evaluation of Take-Home Math Bags

Katie D.

How does Kalman filter and a replacement of the PID control loop affect a robot’s ability to aim and shoot?

Rachel N.

Standardized Testing During the Coronavirus Pandemic

Heidi M.

Improving Sun Protection Through Education and Access-Based Interventions

Anna T.

What is the feasibility of starting a housing venture in college residents in Portland? Connect these findings to why college housing opportunities aren't as prevalent in the Silicon Valley.

Hannah P., Julia Q., & Allison W.

How does the amount of sleep affect mood and performance of high school students?

Cameron D. & Elena W.

The effect of the Japanese government’s immigration policies on the birth rate crisis

Kai S.

Inequity in Resources for Cognitive Development: Examining the Bay Area

Sally L.

The Gender Gap in Autism Research

Siena AB.

What variables affect women living in poverty in California from accessing reproductive health care? What would be the most effective ways to mitigate these variables to ensure equality in access to reproductive health care?

Avery P.

Modelling Control Factors For Mosquitoes In Many Environments

Edward T.

Ration Bars

Alicia Z.

Impact of Multinational Corporations on Revenue and Sustainability of Businesses in Non-Globalized Countries

Rohan S.

How has the rise of pharmaceutical companies affected the progress on cancer drug development?

Matthew N.

“Does Police Training Lead to Increases in the Use of Excessive Force Against Minorities?”

Ziggy T.

Graffiti: Not All Bad

David H.

Income Effects on Computer Science

Aizaak C.B.

How can companies strategically and tactically set the most optimized pricing structure for consumer products for both online stores and offline retail channels?

Michelle L.

Effectiveness of Music about Police Brutality in the Black Lives Matter Movement

Jordan P.

How effective is personalized mentorship through technology?

Alice Y. Z.

How are Cambodian garment workers' health impacted from their industry’s pollution compared to non-garment workers?

Harrison D.

Testing the Link Between Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and HIV

Andres B.

Individual Queer Identity and Repression (Stage Play)

Vincent S.

Cell Migration Patterns in Glioblastoma Tumors Using CRISPR Technology

Elliot G.

Women's Access to Reproductive Health Care

Alli M.

Molecular Mechanisms Underlying Neurodegenerative Diseases Associated with Mutant Tau

Miranda Y.

The Impacts of Food Insecurity Among Bay Area Students During COVID-19

Haley W.

Possible Effects of Complete Trade Isolation between the U.S. and China on the U.S. Economy

Lexy J

What opportunities and challenges do students participating in the Voluntary Transfer Program face?

Oliver M.

What did the SAG AFTRA strike imply towards the future projection of creativity for actors within the Asian American community as opposed to less oppressed groups in its current state and projection of growth?

Matthew A.

Animal Education: Connecting Veterinarians with Students

Kristy R.

The Perceived Safety of Girls in Palo Alto

Lilli C.

Using R to analyze data from 500 patients with lung squamous cell cancer, which proteins have high expressions that correlate with low survival rates?

Arushi A.

Creating a Website to Assist Disadvantaged Students with the College Application Process

Sarika L. and Adele D.

What is microPREP, and what are its potential uses?

Elizabeth W. & Andrew Y.

Gardening and Student Health

Benjamin A.

The Benefits of Music Education

Gabriel C.

Role Of Phagocytosis In The Treatment Of Brain Tumors

Aarti M.

Reading Programs’ Effects on the Achievement Gap

Sashinka P.

HPV Vaccine Safety, Treatments, and Usage

Ayaka S.

The effect of zoning regulations and exclusionary zoning in Palo Alto

Sahil S.

Finding an Optimized and Viable Solution for Improving Reliability Scores of the Current Power Grid in California

Amol T.

Relationships Between NASA Budget Cuts and the Output of Spinoff Biomedical Engineering Projects, and How These Innovations Have Impacted the Medical World

Gemma S.

Influence of Musical Genres on Mood - A PALY Study

Sophia S.

How did the Federal Reserve affect the U.S. economy during the Great Depression and 2008 recession?

Minki K.

Instilling Environmental Activism and Waste Management Awareness in Bay Area Middle School Students Through Upcycling Artwork Projects

Evelyn S. Yue Z. Hyunchan A. Kwan M.

Plastic Straws in the Environment

Michaela F.

Sexism in Hollywood

Peter G.

Socioeconomic, Achievement Gap and University Enrolment

Nicole B.

Are 18-35 Year Old Women Who Are Seen as Attractive Presented with Significantly More Opportunity in their Careers Compared to Those Who Are Not Seen as So?

Lauren L

Unmasking the hidden ADHD in girls: how narrative curriculum can increase teachers’ awareness on the underdiagnosis of ADHD in girls

Paloma R.

AI Algorithm that Calculates the Heart Rate from an Electrocardiogram (ECG)

Allen L.

Improving Animal Models Best Represent Alzheimer’s Disease

Allison C.

What are the most effective ways of closing the achievement gap?

Maya D. H.

Impact of Mycorrhizae on Terrestrial Carbon Sinks Under Elevated CO2 Levels: How Fungi can Slow Climate Change

Oscar A.

Using the science of Neuroplasticity, how long will it take to train the non-dominant hand to write as fast as the dominant hand dependent on age?

Akhil K.

How Does Consumer Culture in the US Affect the Mental Health of its Citizens?

Ella M.

How do semiconductor companies influence the economy?

Eric Y.

Improved Inclusion Between Students in General Education and Students Receiving Special Education Services at Palo Alto High School

Rachel L.

Wolbachia Spread Simulation

Bryan T.

A Comparison of Pre-Existing Opioid Overdose Solutions and Their Effect On Homeless Populations of Large Cities

Salome C.

Artistic Expression: What value does art have in social justice movements?

Rebecca H.

Impact of Ai Algorithms and Machine Learning On Social Media Platforms

Pranav C.

Promotion of Proper Waste Sorting and Single-use Waste Reduction in a Bay Area School Through Collaborative Campaigns and Educational Media

Emily L. Phoebe M. Floyd Neesen. Talya S.

Tracking the Social Divide Between Special Education Students and General Education Students

Mattie O.

How can we educate employees to use emotional intelligence skills to create a more productive and positive work environment?

Dylan E.

How Political Isolation Affects Political Polarization

Sophie A.

Anser Literary Journal

Joshua Y., Rachel S.

How Teaspoon Collect Consumer Information to Better Target Marketing

Ashley P.

The Effectiveness of Different Types of Music in Decreasing Stress, Increasing Motivation and Confidence, and Improving Mood

Emily T.

Extrachromosomal DNA in Biofluids: A Biomarker of Cancer?

Yuhui W.

Youth-Driven Mental Health Programs

Madeline B.

How does toxic masculinity affect drug and alcohol abuse for males under the age of 18 compared to females under the age of 18?

McKenna R.

Using Virtual Reality to Foster Empathy

Anshika A.

Examining the Prevalence and Impact of Body Dysmorphia in Teenage Males and Females: A Comparative Analysis

Ry E.

Voting Education for High School Students

Elizabeth J.

Identifying and addressing the barriers that surround the career interests of 5th graders

Ben S.

What variables regarding team cohesion are related to the overall satisfaction of soccer players in the Bay Area?

Emily T.

Cultural Influences on Asian American Healthcare Decision-Making

Melinda H.

Identifying an Effective Semantic Segmentation Algorithm for Deforestation Analysis

Renee S.

How can computer technology be used to accurately assess walking balance disorders?

Sandhini A.

Changing the Narrative: How Men Can Be Encouraged to Express Their Emotions

Adrien T.

Examining the Impact of Gendered Language on Workplace Roles and the Gender Pay Gap

Evie K.

How can natural language understanding techniques be applied to mimic human responses in spam email conversations?

Guatam M.

Electric Regeneration in Electric Bikes

Miles S.

Impact of Mental Health, Childhood Trauma, and Substance Abuse on Serial Killers

Kumar A.

Labor-related Macrosocial Forces of Japanese Karoshi

Michael B.

A Study on the Effectiveness of Different Conservation Strategies on the Leopard Shark Population

Nicholas I.

The Effectiveness of the Autism Superpower Glasses on Blind Individuals

Lauren C.

Gender Equality in Sports Leadership & Athletic Participation

Neive W.

How Use of a Teen Mentoring Program Impacts the Academic Engagement of Third Graders

Bradley S.

Applications of Nanotechnology in Medicine

Michael T.

Food Security: A National Crisis

Virginia T.

Analyzing Perception of Satisfaction of Artwork

Katie H.

Effectiveness of Art in Activism

Evan A.

The Effects of Media Representation on Wage and Athletic Success

Cameron T.

How would inserting transition metals into 2 dimensional materials such as graphene, silicene and boron nitride affect its catalytic properties?

Tian C.

Effects of Family-Based Therapy on Siblings of Individuals with Eating Disorders

Anika J.

Green Marketing vs Traditional Marketing Strategies and their Compared Effectiveness in Increasing Business Profits

Nupur K.


Emerson S.

What biases do Asian Americans have on mental health and what can be done to unlearn them so that they can easier access mental health care?

Yasmin F.

Testosterone Regulations for Transgender Female Athletes

Takumi W.

How Can America's Foster Care System be Improved in Order to Ensure the Safety of Children Under the Age of 18?

Isa M.

Infrared Sensors on Self-Driving Cars

Kevin B.

The Increase of Anti-semitism and Suggested Modern Responses

Ella B.

Addressing Solutions to Mitigate Healthcare Turnover Rates

Clarissa L.

How does UV Radiation affect the growth of Basal Cell Carcinoma?

Dana K.

The Connection Between Art and Autism

Waverly L.

An Effective Treatment For COVID-19: CRISPR

Mona P.

Current Biotechnological Advances to Degrading Plastic–a Solution to Plastic Pollution

Laura C.

Vertical Farming in Homes

Ava K.

Impact of Security Treats on Country Debt Defaults

Ben S.

Is there a correlation between the rate at which a pulsar loses rotational energy and the non-thermal radiation and bulk kinetic energy of expansion of its supernova remnant?

Maya S.


Ari S.

Air Pollution in Palo Alto vs East Palo Alto

Alexandra L.

Gender Norms in a Modern World

Siri S.

School-to-prison pipeline and mass incarceration of African Americans

Keala H.

What are the results of NAFTA for the U.S. and other participating countries in terms of GDP from small businesses, and what could this mean for high-capital industry in Palo Alto if the TPP goes into effect?

Isaac S.

What variables affect Bay Area students' in underserved communities access to college standardized testing materials?

Quinn K.

Development of the Chinese University System From the 1990s to Present

Bryan X.

What Tangible Impacts Does Underrepresentation Have on the LGBTQ Community?

Michael S.

Treatment of Murdered and Missing Indigenous Women Cases in California

Ella B.

4ai: Accessibilty Nonprofit

Ashley P. and Cathy H.

The Effect of Transfection on Metastatic Potential of Mouse 3T3 cells

Ananya M.

Support for Survivors

Annabel H. and Sophia T.

The sustainability and economic benefits of aquaponics in Palo Alto

Rianne L.

What variables affect a book's popularity, specifically frequency of words?

Akansha G.

Black Abalone Restoration

Alana F.

Personalized and Accessible College Counseling for First-Generation Students

Angelina R., Danny C., and Lise D.

What effect does the cell proliferation rate have its mass?

Andrew T. S.

Exposure to a greater number of diverse children's books significantly influences the development of children's mindsets as they grow up.

Clara P.

How prevalent is liver cancer in the Asian community compared to other ethnicities and why?

Sam Y.

How Schools Can Best Support Educators and Parents to improve the social emotional learning of teenagers coming out of the pandemic?

Jade R.

Solar Panels at Paly

Keenan L.

Implications of Principles of Turner's Thesis on Mass Media

Stephanie L.

How Destructive Female Friendships Relate to Competition Between Women for Relationships and Professional Success

Sydney M.

How is the US Prepared to Help Trans and Gender Expansive People Transition?

Reed J.

The Voluntary Transfer Program and the Racial Achievement Gap in PAUSD

Talia S.

The Disadvantages to Black Americans

Aspen S.

How Watching Anime Impacts Thought Processes

Robin D.

The Effectiveness of the Tinsley Program and its Effect on the Racial Achievement Gap Within PAUSD

Talia S.

AAR Student Projects