Projects by year
Greenland Ice Sheet (GrIS) Margin Retreat Driven By Marine Outlet Glacier Activity
By Arunim A.
The Greenland Ice Sheet retreat is a very clear and quantifiable metric by which climate change can be evaluated. Recent studies have suggested that the ice sheet melt will continue to contribute to sea level rise, meaning that mapping the future expectations for changes in the ice sheet is vital. In this study, satellite and aerial imagery of the region around the Jakobshavn Glacier spanning... Read More
Social Science
How Can the Effect of Covid-19 on Child Abuse Rates Help Identify the Root Causes of Child Abuse?
By Georgia B.
This research project is aimed to determine the root causes of child abuse during Covid-19. CoronaVirus has said to shatter the system that protects children, leading researchers to investigate whether child abuse cases across the USA have dropped or gone down. Research studies show that child abuse cases that get reported have significantly gone down due to lockdown and children’s safety is... Read More
Social Science
How Does Social Construct Play a Role in the Rising Rates of Teenage Addiction?
By Madeline S.
There is a major problem in the United States as it relates to teenage drug use. Drug use among America’s youth is unacceptably high. Research has indicated that one of the factors leading to the abuse of drugs among youth lies in society's normalization of addiction. This research project is a case study to determine how society influences teenage addiction with substance abuse with the... Read More
Social Science
The Gender Gap in Autism Research
By Siena AB.
Historically autism research has been conducted primarily on males. Because of this there is a significant gap on the knowledge known about how autism presents itself in women. For years diagnostic tests have been targeted at the autistic symptoms that men have, simply assuming that women have the same symptoms. Because of this many women with ASD are not being identified which is negatively... Read More
Social Science
Inclusive Learning in Special Education
By Sophia H
There's a recurring problem that special education programs and their students are not treated with equal understanding. Students in the special education program deserve an equal opportunity to learn and achieve, but there is a problem with understanding how to teach students with physical and learning disabilities that benefits them and their unique individual learning style. This project... Read More
Social Science
Why Don't We Use Closed Captions?
By Senja J
An additional perk to being a teacher is that the school district offers health care coverage, in addition to the salary. However, not all healthcare coverage is the same as demonstrated through the lack of a local school district’s coverage of hearing aids. This local school districts does not cover the full cost of aids, despite the effect on education if a child is unable to have full... Read More
Social Science
Differences in the Economy and Health of East Palo Alto and Palo Alto as a Result of Water Allocation and Quality
By Shana E.
Water is the essence of all life, and yet, vulnerable and marginalized communities don't have the same access to clean drinking water as wealthier and more privileged communities. This lack of water availability and quality leads to arrested economic and infrastructural development. A prime example of this is Palo Alto and East Palo Alto, two neighboring cities that have a great difference in... Read More
Psychological Factors that Affect Customer Buying Behavior and Effectiveness at Which Companies Match Them
By Alan G.
A successful business requires precision marketing to gain customers, and those that do not market effectively often go out of business. Thousands of businesses close each year—a number that is only growing in recent months as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Yet, determining consumer behavior and creating a marketing strategy is difficult due to the plethora of factors that affect a... Read More
Social Science
Therapist Perceptions on LGBTQ IPV and Adherence to Treatment Guidelines
By Jack P.
LGBTQ individuals are at serious risk for intimate partner violence (IPV), but little research has been done on LGBTQ IPV. Out of the sparse research that has been done, even fewer have addressed therapy and its crucial role in the treatment of LGBTQ IPV. Additionally, while there are guidelines from the American Psychiatric Association on treating LGBTQ IPV, little to no research has been... Read More
Social Science
Bringing Alignment to the Paly Campus
By Sophie Y.
Since I was in middle school, I dreamed about the business courses that I could take once I entered high school. However, after my freshman year at Paly, there are no more business specific elective courses to take despite my best friend having an entire pathway to choose courses from during her time as a student at Gunn HS, located within our same school district. This project will track... Read More
Social Science
Environmental Education and It’s Outreach Due to COVID-19.
By Molly O.
The environment's welfare has been a topic of controversy over the years, and despite the proven evidence that our natural world is severely declining in health, we continue to let it deteriorate, whilst contributing to its deterioration. Regardless, outreach programs try to support the natural world through environmental education. This study will encompass the recent effects of COVID-19 (... Read More
Social Science
Do Adults With Bachelor's Degrees Tend To Earn More Money Than Adults With High School Experience Or Community College?
By Blake E.
Have you ever wondered why some people make more money than others? This question will be addressed in this research project. It explores if adults with bachelor's degrees tend to earn more than adults with little to no college experience. The question is relevant to many students wondering what college/career paths they should consider upon exiting high school; and may give students a... Read More
Social Science
Is Mask-Wearing Compliance in High-School Age Students Correlated with Self-Reported Anxiety Symptoms Compared to Students Who Do Not Wear a Mask?
By Helena D.
Anxiety is prevalent in high school students in today’s society, especially with the advent of COVID-19. The necessity of protective facial masks in public spaces in order to limit the spread of COVID-19 has led to worldwide facial mask usage. When considering the connection between COVID-19 and anxiety, there is a possibility of increased anxiety symptoms as a result of the discomfort of... Read More
How Does the Amount of Music Exposure or Experience Affect the Effect of Music Therapy for Alzheimer's Patients Over the Age of 60?
By Rohini B.
Patients of Alzheimer's disease can struggle with extreme memory loss that deeply affects them and the people who care about them. Aside from focus on a medical cure, research has shown that music therapy can have behavioral and cognitive benefits and help patients access their autobiographical and episodic memory through its emotional components. This research project uses interviews to... Read More
An Effective Treatment For COVID-19: CRISPR
By Mona P.
Millions of lives were lost during the COVID-19 pandemic. Now, we as a nation are fortunate to have vaccines available to people. But what about all of those infected with COVID-19? CRISPR can serve as a treatment method. CRISPR is a phenomenal piece of technology that has the ability to edit genes in target regions and replace them with other genome sequences. This research paper will aim to... Read More
Analysis of Variance for Rubik's Cube Solving Speed
By Kepler B.
Most people who are not speedcubers assume that solving the Rubik’s Cube quickly requires fast turning speeds and the memorization of hundreds of algorithms. Many avid speedcubers argue, however, that these factors are not as important as they are perceived to be. This research project aims to quantitatively analyze the correlations between various speedcubing-related variables to determine... Read More
Social Science
Women's Access to Reproductive Health Care
By Alli M.
Within the United States healthcare system, there are many health disparities affecting women and the level of care they receive that are based on many factors, including socioeconomic status. This project examines how women experience discrimination and health disparities within the reproductive health care system though a case study of many different women’s personal experiences and how... Read More
Social Science
Suppression of Votes in Low-Income Communities During the 2020 Primary Election
By Krista R.
This project examines whether low-income, predominantly minority, voters were disenfranchised during the 2020 primary election at a higher rate than in past primary elections. The extensive research gathered will provide clarity toward the pro’s and con’s of mail-in-voting as well as the effects a global pandemic has on voter turnout during a Presidential Election. The data collected also... Read More
Social Science
Universal Preschool and its Relation to Closing the Achievement Gap
By Isabella K.
Universal preschool is an international movement that uses public funding to ensure that all families get a high-quality preschool education. In the United States, there is a prevalent achievement gap. Research has shown that many children of color and students from low-income families do not get the skills they need to succeed academically due to their inaccessibility to preschool. Therefore... Read More
Anser Literary Journal
By Joshua Y., Rachel S.
"For those Sunday afternoons caught between doing nothing and everything, for the insomnia-driven, for the wanderers and wonderers, for the unwritten stories of a blank page: please—tell us your story."
Anser Journal is a literary journal established in February 2020 by Gunn seniors Joshua Yang and Rachel Sun. Since the journal's founding, Anser has attracted an audience of 1000+ and... Read More
Social Science
How Does The Varying Healthcare Style And Poor Financial State Of Developing African Countries In Comparison To The United States Affect Pediatric Healthcare Services?
By Bridget P.
Universal healthcare should be a natural right, bestowed upon a child at birth; however, there continues to be a substantial problem in our world surrounding the variance in healthcare systems between different countries. Millions more children die in underdeveloped countries in comparison to the United States. There needs to be more solid research done on this issue in order to come up with... Read More
Social Science
The Future of Women’s Rights in Nigeria: A Study on the Impact of Culture on Sexism in Nigeria
By Angelica N.
Nigeria has one of the highest populations in Africa, yet it suffers from a crippling amount sexism. While the ratio of male-to female members in the workforce is near equal, women still face sexism at home, in their workplace, and at school. While this is a phenomenon seen almost across the globe, I specifically choose Nigeria, because it is the country and the culture I know best. All this... Read More
Optimal Sterilization of Bacterial Through Different Concentration of Alcohol
By Clair K.
Sterilization of equipment is essential for the safety of healthcare workers and patients in hospitals. However, the current process is very costly. By using cheaper sterilants for cleaning medical equipment, hospitals would be able to save time and money. This study experiments with different concentrations of ethanol and isopropanol to determine the optimal concentration of water and alcohol... Read More
Social Science
Name Changes for Social Change
By Rachael V.
Back in September of 2020 Eventing Nation released an article on the recent call for a name change of the Plantation field horse trials venue in Pennsylvania. The issue arose from the recent conversation with the affiliation the name “plantation” alone has to slavery. The venue name and location have no affiliation to slavery but Eventing Nation brought the issue to the United States Eventing... Read More
Social Science
Why does Palo Alto’s African American Population Stand at Just 1.6%, and What are the Problems in the City’s Methods to Address this Disparity?
By Will T
Despite the passing of the Fair Housing Act of 1968 aiming to end discriminatory housing practices against African Americans, there continues to be widespread inequity propagated by systemic racism. This problem has negatively impacted African Americans because it has prevented them from equal wealth accumulation through property ownership during Silicon Valley’s tech boom of the late 20th... Read More
Social Science
Representation of Indigenous Peoples in K–Social Studies Curricula
By Thomas L.
In a nationwide study of Americans’ attitudes towards Indigenous Peoples, Reclaiming Native Truth found that “Contemporary Native Americans are, for the most part, invisible in the United States” (Reclaiming Native Truth, 2018). Indeed, Indigenous voices are frequently missing or misrepresented in American society—especially in education. Such lack of accurate education on the history and... Read More
Social Science
What Is The Availability Of Mental Health Education And Supports For Middle Schoolers?
By Anna T.
The state of California has seen rates of chronic sadness and suicide ideation increase at the high school level and although the state continues to focus efforts at that secondary level, the numbers have not changed. In fact, according to the California Healthy Kids Survey, certain California middle schools find themselves struggling with an increase in the number of seventh graders... Read More
Web Development and Maintenance in Small Businesses
By Hannah Z.
With the onset of COVID-19, e-commerce websites have become more and more important since they allow small businesses to conduct sales in an alternative manner and attract wider audiences. However, many small businesses may not be able to maintain user friendly sites due to a lack of knowledge or resources, thereby reducing the number of potential customers. This research project aimed to... Read More
Social Science
Are 18-35 Year Old Women Who Are Seen as Attractive Presented with Significantly More Opportunity in their Careers Compared to Those Who Are Not Seen as So?
By Lauren L
Though the bias in regards to attractiveness is relatively well known, this issue tends to disproportionately affect women, with their objectification by society affecting how they are viewed in different professional situations. While the success of some women in certain professional fields is dependent on their appearance, such as for female salespersons, in male dominated fields a woman’s... Read More
Social Science
How Does Gender Have an Effect on the Wage of a Person Working in PAUSD and How Do the Wages Compare Between Genders?
By Lulu G.
For decades, female teachers, coaches, administrators, and other school related jobs have experienced wage discrimination, including at Palo Alto High School - a well known, wealthy, and academically rigorous high school. There is a problem with the wage gap between men and women in the Palo Alto Unified School District (PAUSD). While women often have the same jobs as men and work just as hard... Read More
Social Science
How is the US Prepared to Help Trans and Gender Expansive People Transition?
By Reed J.
54% of trans youth claimed to have attempted suicide, and 21% have tried self-mutilation (ACOG, 2011). These horrific facts are the reason why safe, affordable medical and legal treatment for trans and gender-expansive people is necessary. Treatment can look different for everyone, but generally speaking, it includes a combination of taking hormones or getting surgery, legally changing their... Read More
Social Science
How Mindfulness Meditation for Students May Close the Achievement Gap
By Zander D.
Mindfulness, a practice that utilizes observation to increase control of thoughts and feelings, might be one of the answers to the achievement gap. Closing the achievement gap and creating more opportunities for students is crucial because many students face disparities and setbacks in school that come from a variety of factors such as poverty, prejudice, low-quality schools, and language... Read More
Social Science
Are High School Students With Higher Family Income More Likely To Continue With Competitive Sports Than Students With A Lower Family Income?
By Aidan R.
Athletics give children needed skills such as discipline, teamwork, leadership and other benefits related to health, hard work, and friendships. However, many athletic opportunities are not available to students in lower economic status communities. Additionally, since the specialization of sports begins at younger and younger age, children with lower socioeconomic status miss out on these... Read More
A Study of the Involvement and Potential of Music Therapy in Care Facilities as Treatment for Alzheimer’s Disease
By Sarah B.
Today, Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is the sixth leading cause of death in the United States, with a striking effect on one in ten people aged 65 and over. Music therapy (MT) is a non-pharmacological treatment for AD that is particularly significant because, as AD progresses, patients maintain their music memory despite the loss of other cognitive functions. This knowledge begged the question: how... Read More
Infrared Sensors on Self-Driving Cars
By Kevin B.
This research project will focus on constructing a self-driving model car using an Arduino along with infrared and ultrasound sensors. The infrared sensors are used to specifically detect heat sources, which simulate living creatures in the path of the car, while the ultrasound sensors are used to determine the actual distance between the object and the car. In the end, the car is expected to... Read More
Social Science
The Anonym Project
By Yara S.
Bias is everywhere in the workforce recruitment process, whether it is discriminatory or in another form: confirmation bias, beauty bias, halo and horns effects, comparisons, etc. In fact, 59% of U.S. companies are committing to increasing diversity but struggling and 57% of employees believe that their company should be more diverse. The Anonym Project focuses on delving deeper into and... Read More
Social Science
Identifying the Impact of Globalization of Western Fashion Media on Eating Disorders in Japan
By Samhita J.
In today’s society, harmful beauty standards are everywhere, portrayed most significantly in the media and in stores. There is very little size representation in the fashion industry in the United States. The idea that smaller sizes are more desirable reaches young women and girls around the country and causes them to adopt toxic body image mentalities, leading to potential eating disorders.... Read More
Social Science
The Chester Project
By Lindsey M
Is success truly built from the foundation of hard work and persistence, or is it simply a result of privilege? It seems as though we live in a world where no matter the work or dedication you devote to a particular area, there will always be someone who can easily buy their way to the top. it is apparent that there simply is not enough support, resources, or opportunities for people who do... Read More
Social Science
What Tangible Impacts Does Underrepresentation Have on the LGBTQ Community?
By Michael S.
The goal of my research project is to attain a better understanding of how representation affects the LGBTQ community. There has been quite a bit of research into LGBTQ underrepresentation, but not a lot has been done into the impacts that that has. The percentage of films that include LGBTQ characters is extremely low, and those that do do it through over exaggerated and overused stereotypes... Read More
Social Science
Standardized Testing During the Coronavirus Pandemic
By Heidi M.
There has always been an apparent achievement gap when it comes to college entrance exams such as the SAT and ACT and this year the pandemic creates even more challenges for students writing these exams. This research project focuses on how these standardized tests have been affected during the coronavirus pandemic and how they are impacting students. Interviews with college counselors in a... Read More
How Does Consumer Culture in the US Affect the Mental Health of its Citizens?
By Ella M.
In the United States, consumer culture is prevalent and many indulge in it as a “new and improved” way of life. Consumer culture focuses on the spending of money by customers, specifically on material goods to obtain a certain lifestyle within a capitalist or mixed economy. Many believe that they are bettering themselves by shifting their attention towards buying material goods, while in... Read More
Social Science
Analyzing Guard-on-Inmate Sexual Violence in Women’s Correctional Facilities
By Ria R.
One problem that has been historically overlooked is the prevalence of guard-on-inmate sexual violence within women’s correctional facilities in the US. As sexual violence continues to be pervasive within U.S. correctional facilities, victims are often left to deal with long-term detrimental effects including, but not limited to, STDs and mental health problems. These issues disproportionately... Read More
Social Science
Education and Inclusion for Students with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities in Postsecondary Education
By Hyewon A.
In 2019, the employment—population ratio for people without disabilities was 66.3% while the ratio for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) was only 19.3%. Since education is an important factor in getting a job, this stark contrast between the number of people employed with and without disabilities indicates that a reevaluation of postsecondary education for people... Read More
Social Science
How are Black Women Being Discriminated Against when Receiving Reproductive Healthcare Compared to White Women?
By Seymour A.
Reproductive healthcare is critical to public and individual safety. Limited access to healthcare disproportionately affects Women of Color. This disparity creates health gaps, putting Women of Color at a higher risk of maternal mortality and contracting STIs. This is extremely relevant because Black women are four times more likely to die during childbirth than White women (CDC, 2007-2016).... Read More
Social Science
How do Climate Change and Climate-Related Disasters Impact Minorities Disproportionately in the US?
By Gretchen B.
This project aims to investigate the disproportionate impacts that climate change has on minorities in the U.S. Minorities are hit hardest when environmental disasters strike. Minorities often have fewer resources to help them recover and often face more frequent and worse environmental disasters. As climate change becomes an increasingly significant issue, the disproportionate impacts it has... Read More
Social Science
How Does the Music Industry’s Combination of So Many Styles of Music Contribute to Racial Segregation in the Music Industry?
By Marina B.
This paper examines the suppression shown to black musicians in the music industry. This research will provide modern and historic evidence showing direct examples that demonstrate segregation through genres, among other injustices. This project will review multiple interviews with black musicians speaking first hand on their experiences as they fight to be treated the same as their white... Read More
Social Science
How Has Lack of Access to PPE Affected the Health of Farm Workers in California as a Result of COVID-19 and the Recent Wildfires?
By Grace L.
Farm workers are the power behind the food industry in California and many are blind to the mistreatment that they face. As the COVID-19 Pandemic hit California, more and more workers were at risk for contracting the disease because of the lack of PPE they had access to. Then wildfires swept through the state producing thick smoke making it unhealthy to breathe the air outside and putting... Read More
Social Science
What Does the History of Real Estate Discrimination Look Like in the San Francisco Bay Area and How Has it Discriminated Against Minorities?
By Kendall T.
The history of redlining and real estate discrimination in our country is a huge issue. Throughout history African Americans and other minorities have been denied fair realty services. The impacts of this are seen today through the achievement gap, health and access to healthy food, overall wealth, and diversity within communities. This project will highlight the effects that redlining... Read More
Social Science
How Does the Justice System Disproportionately Affect Prisoners with Mental Health Issues in How They are Treated by Correctional Officers Along with the Resources They Have in Southern Prisons?
By Erin F.
This research project is about the systematic oppression of prisoners who are facing mental health issues in the southern prisons in the United States. This research will highlight the neglect from correctional officers and how officer training has led to these unjust actions in prisons. Data and witness accounts show the outrageous and unwarranted mistreatments that prisoners may face, and... Read More
Social Science
Disparities in Female-Oriented Healthcare and Medical Research
By Brooke H.
There is a direct correlation between mental health and birth control usage, yet research in this field is vastly underfunded and minimized because it pertains to female health. The field of health is - and has been for centuries - dominated by men; research for ailments, diseases and medicine disproportionately gives precedence to men, proffering a lack of proper treatment for women. Birth... Read More
Social Science
Environmental Social Justice: Superfund Sites
By Benjamin M.
This research project takes a closer look at the biased placement of superfund sites, areas where toxic waste is disposed of, and the impacts they can have on low-income communities. The impact that these sites have on the soil and the overall environment is negative. Soil fertility of areas with sites can decrease immensely, further hindering low-income areas by making them food deserts,... Read More
Black Abalone Restoration
By Alana F.
Black abalone are on the decline and now listed as an endangered species due to an increase in water temperatures as a result of global warming, withering syndrome, and overfishing. The first step in black abalone restoration is understanding the abalone gonadal development to know when artificial breeding can take place. This research project will have two parts: it will use ultrasonography... Read More
Social Science
Use of Facial Recognition Technology in Law Enforcement
By Sasha L.
There is a substantial problem regarding systemic racism against Black people in the United States. In our day and age, technology is improving and developing at a rapid rate. New facial recognition/scanning technologies are being utilized by the police forces in the United States, but the accuracy of the scans is not consistent between races. Not only are Black people stopped by the police at... Read More
Social Science
The Math Achievement Gap in PAUSD Schools
By Paige T.
This research project is about the apparent discrepancy with the education level in a math class of those living in lower-income neighborhoods that attend PAUSD schools. Despite PAUSD’s attempts to provide help for these students through the use of IEP plans and support classes, this problem remains and continues to negatively impact lower-income students who are not receiving the same caliber... Read More
Social Science
Mitigation of Modern Slavery in Santa Clara County
By Justin S.
Even in the 21st century, “modern slavery” or “human trafficking” is still extremely active and making about $150.2 billion per year through the 25 million people being enslaved. This “hidden crime,” human trafficking, is a major problem in the world because so many traffickers force people, especially females, into sex, labor, and other different acts to make a profit for traffickers while... Read More
Social Science
The Relationship Between Socioeconomic Status And The Rate Of Concussion Diagnosis Among Bay Area High School Students (ages 14-18).
By Alexa G.
While concussions can be mild, delays or failure to treat them can have significant physical, mental, emotional, and social consequences. Some people never report or even recognize their concussion symptoms, resulting in what has come to be known as the “silent epidemic.” Because low socioeconomic status communities are affected by poorer access to healthcare information and services, youth in... Read More
Social Science
How Does Race Influence Rates of Excessive Force Among Policing In the United States?
By Cristian R.
This project takes a closer look at policing in the United States and highlights the mistreatment of minorities in the judicial system. The case study method will be used to highlight the difficult and complex injustices of our government judicial system. Yet, the time to make change and build awareness is extremely vital to prioritize equality in our society, which is why I will write a... Read More
Environmental Impacts on the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Quantitative Analysis
By Amelia Y.
Because of COVID-19, people are forced to shelter in place, which disrupts not only their daily lives and normal routines, but also the economic and social standings of the world. To date, not many studies have been conducted to analyze the relationship between environmental factors and COVID-19. In this study, various environmental factors such as air pollution, air temperature, and air... Read More
What are the Theoretical Arguments and Evidence For and Against the Ideas of Jordan Peterson, Specifically his Stance on Identity Politics, political Correctness, and the Meaning of Existence/Purpose of Life?
By Michael X.
Referred to by The New York Times as “the most influential public intellectual in the Western world right now,” Jordan Peterson is a highly controversial figure with ideas that draw both critique and praise. Due to his influence over a great number of followers, it is imperative to examine whether his ideas should be adhered to. This research paper examines the validity of Peterson’s ideas on... Read More
Impact Of Music On The 8 Wellness Factors In High School Students
By Ava S.
7.7million children between the ages of 10-17 are diagnosed with a mental health illness. With these numbers only increasing, the limited number of prevention methods such as raising awareness and early risk screening are not sufficient in slowing down the growing cases. To stop the spread, it's important to focus on the 8 factors that contribute to overall wellness: physical wellness,... Read More
How Much Are Known Factors Correlated with Higher Risk of Alzheimer’s in African Americans Over the Age of 65 Compared to Other Ethnicities Over the Age of 65?
By Emily W.
Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias are the 7th leading cause of death in the world. Specifically, Alzheimer’s disease is a currently incurable neurodegenerative disease that affects millions worldwide. Yet, one thing that scientists do not completely understand is why Alzheimer’s is especially prevalent in elderly African American populations. Current research suggests that African... Read More
Investigating Hydrogen as a Potential Alternative to Kerosene in Fueling Commercial Aircraft
By Alexander G.
In order to limit global warming to 1.5˚C as outlined in the Paris Climate Agreement, global carbon emissions must reach net zero by around 2050. Since the commercial aviation industry is responsible for around 2.5% of global carbon emissions, emission-free aviation is vital for a carbon-neutral economy of the future. This research project aims to analyze hydrogen as a potential alternative to... Read More
Social Science
Toxic Masculinity
By Dean H.
The term toxic masculinity has been seeping in and out of the minds of boys ever since they were first told to “be a man" thus perpetuating the cultural norm that boys need to act and grow into a “manly man.” This project will hopefully spread awareness about toxic masculinity, and solutions to address this social norm based on the results of an experiment. The experiment is comprised of... Read More
Social Science
How Does The Way California Fund Their Public Schools Affect Teaching And Learning In The South Central LA School Districts?
By Karisa GM
The goal of this research is to show the major funding gaps in California's public education system and how it affects teaching and learning in the South Central LA school districts. The way public schools are funded is a problem because lower income school districts receive a disproportionate less amount of money than wealthier districts. Schools with less funding have a harder time providing... Read More
Social Science
Does The Lack Of Resources For Adolescents With Mental Health Living In Low Income Areas Affect The Severity Of The Conditions In Comparison To Adolescents With Mental Health Outlets?
By Corinne B.
Mental health problems can negatively impact a person's ability to function in social situations, the ability to combat problems, and ultimately affect their sleep patterns. Therefore, a study about how the lack of resources for adolescents with mental health living in low income areas compares to adolescents with mental health outlets is required to take action research to address this... Read More
Social Science
“Does Police Training Lead to Increases in the Use of Excessive Force Against Minorities?”
By Ziggy T.
This this research project examines whether police training directly leads to the increase in the use of excessive force against minority groups in the US. Interviews with different police officers will be conducted to gain their insight on training regimes, while examining specific training methods through a variety of sources. This will ultimately be compared to the data on the use... Read More
Idiopathic And PTSD-related Nightmare Disorder And Chronic Nightmares.
By Asha M.
Guided by the neurocognitive model of Nightmare Disorder, my research attempts to correlate PTSD and non-PTSD related Nightmare Disorder with several factors. This research project will use database data to look at which brain structures and brain activity patterns are correlated with different types of Nightmare Disorder. This project also collects surveys from adults with chronic nightmares... Read More