Comparison of Left-Behind Children in Rural China and Immigrant Chinese Students in the United States


by : 
Stella (Qinqin) W.


In recent years, China’s population of left-behind children (i.e., children who have at least one parent who has migrated to an urban area in search of employment to support the family) is on rise. Researchers have found a general trend of left-behind children’s emotional well-being and academic performance suffering negative effects due to the resulting lack of parental care. Also, as an increasing number of Chinese families decide to send their children abroad to the United States to receive better education, many find it difficult to assimilate to American culture. This hinders their academic achievements and community involvement. This project will investigate the impacts of lack of parental care on Chinese immigrant students' emotional well-being and academic achievements and compare the results to those of the left-behind children in rural China.