How Low Income California Residents Are Affected by Their Enrollment with MediCal


by : 
Madeline M.


While MediCal was created to benefit low-income residents in California, it has also succeeded in creating new inconveniences and injustices for its recipients. Many doctors do not accept MediCal insurance due to its low reimbursement rates for the doctors, causing access issues for recipients. While there are many great nonprofit health clinics, people may not be aware of this option and will resort to using emergency rooms as their primary source of healthcare or neglecting treatment altogether. My project focused on bringing awareness to the option of nonprofit health care, and which form of media achieved this most effectively. Through a survey given to the general public, I presented several forms of media which convey information about the topic, in order to determine which type of outreach was the most effective. I also determined a correlation between the chosen form of media and personal relationships that participants had to the form of insurance.