Impact of Paris Climate Accords on CO2/GHG Emissions: Comparative Study of U.K. and Canada to Determine Best Practices


by : 
Ryan P.


The Paris climate agreement, created in 2016 by the UNFCCC, created a goal to reduce global emissions by 80% by 2050. The U.K. and Canada are developed countries expected to lead these efforts. Both countries have released climate action plans to combat climate change. This research project will aim to determine their actions' effectiveness in combating climate change by measuring the reduction in annual emissions of greenhouse gases in CO2 equivalent.

Personal Statement

Living in California these past couple years, I have seen firsthand the effects of climate change as fires raged in northern California and winds blew thick smoke down to Palo Alto. These fires inspired me to research climate change in a more meaningful way. Through AAR, I have been able to further my understanding of the topic and I hope to contribute new conclusions to the body of knowledge about anthropogenic climate change.