Know the Facts, Save Lives: Raising Awareness about the Dangers of Fentanyl in a Bay Area High School


by : 
Gwen B. Clea D. Severiano O.


Our action research project seeks to educate youth at our public high school about the dangers of fentanyl, addressing its rising prevalence in the Bay Area and its potential devastating impacts on our community. We chose to do this project as this issue has impacted youth and continues to be a rising issue. Over the past 20 years, 89.6% of deaths from fentanyl and opioid poisoning happened to young people aged 15-19 (Gaither). Our presentations highlight the urgency for youth education. Our plan is to distribute informative posters throughout our highschool school with QR codes that supply access to more information. Additionally, we plan to give a presentation to a class, educating them on the dangers of fentanyl. We plan to share surveys with them before the presentation and before the implementation of posters, and then after to gather feedback and measure effectiveness, ensuring our message resonates with our audience and drives meaningful change. We plan to combat these issues by working together to educate our youth and save lives from the dangers of fentanyl.