Low Numbers of Female First Responders– Investigation on Firefighting/Law Enforcement


by : 
Juanpablo C.


This research paper aims to address the underrepresentation of female first responders, particularly in firefighting and law enforcement, by exploring the root causes and potential solutions. The low number of women in these professions is a persistent issue attributed to gender biases, health disparities, and mental health challenges. The study will employ a narrative research approach, using interviews with both male and female firefighters and police officers, as well as women in other professions, to gather personal experiences and perspectives. The research seeks to bring awareness to the barriers faced by female first responders, emphasizing the need for cultural change, outreach programs, and support systems to encourage more women to pursue careers in these critical fields. Through personal anecdotes and qualitative data, the study aims to contribute valuable insights to the existing body of research and inspire positive changes in the first responder community.