Stereotype Threat and Self-Affirmation in PAUSD


by : 
Kobi J.


This project will examine how stereotype threat affects historically underrepresented minority students in the PAUSD middle schools. The project examines how negative stereotypes about the ethnicity of a student causes that student to perform worse in school. The project also evaluates a potential curriculum to address this issue, self-affirmation curriculum, which promotes the individual value of students in their learning, and relates it to their life experiences. A survey will be taken before and after the self-affirmation curriculum, and its effectiveness in addressing stereotype threat will be determined.

Personal Statement

Growing up, I began to notice that I was the one of the only African-Americans in my advanced classes, and that many students who looked like me were stereotyped as less intelligent. I had always wanted to do something to help students achieve to their full potential without a fear of stigma or being seen as different. Through AAR, I found a way to do what I can to help struggling minority students achieve their full potential.