How Government Policy Relating to Homelessness Affects the Education of Homeless Youth in the Bay Area

The goal of this project is to research the effects of both federal and state legislation in regard to the education of homeless students. Interviews with school administrators will be conducted to determine what changes, accommodations, and services homeless students need in order to succeed. This data will be synthesized, summarized, and then presented.

Using AI to Improve Relations Between the United States and North Korea

North Korea and the United States do not have a friendly relationship, partly because of past conflicts. For my project, I want to look for ways that artificial intelligence can be used to find solutions to the confict between these two nations. AI has been used previously to detect threats, and I want to build upon this idea see if it can be taken a step farther to develop solutions to international conflicts.

The State of Arts Education in K-12 Public Schools

It is widely accepted that for education is important for America's youth. In particular, there is broad agreement that STEM subjects are essential, and that writing well is a valuable skill. However, an important opportunity in K-12 education is being ignored. K-12 public schools tend to lack arts education. Arguably, experiencing a Shakespeare performance by professional actors, viewing art in a museum, and being treated to a Mozart opera deepen a student’s understanding of what it means to be a human being more than do simply reading literature or history. Arts education also offers students opportunities to make art: to write, direct, costume, light, and act in a play; to create paintings and sculpture; and to perform music in a broad spectrum of genres. Moreover, “Arts education,” according to an 2017 article written by the Center for Online Education, “helps students improve visual analysis skills, learn from mistakes, be creative and make better critical judgments.”

The Harmful Effects of Gentrification

This project will examine the issue of gentrification in America. Gentrification involves racial segregation and socioeconomic segregation through displacement of minority communities. This project will examine the types of methods that are being employed to help victims of gentrification and the effectiveness of these methods. It will also provide real-world accounts of those who have experienced the effects of gentrification.

Measuring How Speech Patterns Differ in State Congressional Speeches Using Partisan and/or Regional Key Phrases

For this project, we will be designing a program to analyze speech patterns in state congressional speeches based on key words and phrases. Certain words and phrases are more characteristic of one political party than another, and the frequency of those words can be used to measure the speaker's party polarization. By measuring how accurately the program can identify the party of the speaker, we can measure whether the political polarization in the U.S. is more by party or by state.

Labor-related Macrosocial Forces of Japanese Karoshi

Karoshi, or death by overwork, is a serious social problem in Japan. Employees work ludicrous amounts of overtime, and over the years, they develop health issues in the heart and brain. In order to solve this issue, it is important to understand how it has come about, how it is understood, how it is being dealt with, and how it would ideally be dealt with. This project seeks to investigate the labor-related macrosocial forces surrounding karoshi.

Investigating Perception of Bias in U.S. News Outlets

In our polarized political environment, the claim that the media is biased is leveraged almost daily. However, most studies are in conflict in terms of severity and direction of bias, leading most researchers to conclude that perception of bias is, to a significant degree, in the eye of the beholder. This study investigates where consumers perceive bias (i.e., which news outlets are perceived as the most biased), and why (i.e., how consumers' political ideology and political engagement affect bias perception).

Identifying Effective Methods to Encourage Households to Compost

When food decays in a landfill, it is trapped under layers of garbage, creating an anaerobic environment that causes methane to be released into the atmosphere. When food is composted, it decays in an aerobic environment, producing carbon dioxide, a much less potent green house gas, instead. Although all Palo Alto residents have been given compost bins, they are not always used. This research will investigate composting habits in response to different motivational tools, such as education about compost and fruit fly traps, in order to determine the most effective way to encourage families to utilize their compost bins.

Developing a Better Litter Prevention Program

My project focuses on how to alleviate the issue of litter. This project will involve running a school-wide program where, using incentives, students are encouraged to pick up the litter they see around campus. Students who participate in the program will be in the running for a prize, which will be awarded at a public event. The goal of this pilot program is to instill an anti-littering culture on campus, ultimately changing participants' mindsets about trash and litter. The research portion will examine how positive incentives impact students' behavior in acting responsibly and whether it makes them more likely to go above and beyond in regard to civic duty.


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