Anser Literary Journal

"For those Sunday afternoons caught between doing nothing and everything, for the insomnia-driven, for the wanderers and wonderers, for the unwritten stories of a blank page: please—tell us your story."

Anser Journal is a literary journal established in February 2020 by Gunn seniors Joshua Yang and Rachel Sun. Since the journal's founding, Anser has attracted an audience of 1000+ and has been listed on Duotrope; 50+ teen and adult contributors from across four continents help create a diverse, eclectic narrative that, indeed, has told stories tinged with grief, joy, and wonder. Find Anser Journal here:

Impact Of Music On The 8 Wellness Factors In High School Students

7.7million children between the ages of 10-17 are diagnosed with a mental health illness. With these numbers only increasing, the limited number of prevention methods such as raising awareness and early risk screening are not sufficient in slowing down the growing cases. To stop the spread, it's important to focus on the 8 factors that contribute to overall wellness: physical wellness, intellect, emotion, social relations, spirit, vocation, finance, environment. Nowadays teens are turning to music as it helps emotion management and expression as well as social relations, 2 of the wellness factors. This research will collect data from students through a survey and daily log to understand how students are using music and to investigate the impact music listening has on all 8 wellness factors. A review of related research will be used to explain the science behind music's relationship with wellness to determine the extent music can be used as a mental health prevention method.

What are the Theoretical Arguments and Evidence For and Against the Ideas of Jordan Peterson, Specifically his Stance on Identity Politics, political Correctness, and the Meaning of Existence/Purpose of Life?

Referred to by The New York Times as “the most influential public intellectual in the Western world right now,” Jordan Peterson is a highly controversial figure with ideas that draw both critique and praise. Due to his influence over a great number of followers, it is imperative to examine whether his ideas should be adhered to. This research paper examines the validity of Peterson’s ideas on the meaning of life. It will draw upon Peterson’s written books and his YouTube lectures, as well as sources from other intellectual figures to see how their ideas counter or support Peterson’s.

How Does Consumer Culture in the US Affect the Mental Health of its Citizens?

In the United States, consumer culture is prevalent and many indulge in it as a “new and improved” way of life. Consumer culture focuses on the spending of money by customers, specifically on material goods to obtain a certain lifestyle within a capitalist or mixed economy. Many believe that they are bettering themselves by shifting their attention towards buying material goods, while in reality, it is causing consumers to develop mental health issues. Through analyzing consumer trends in the US, this research project aims to find statistics showing increased consumerism in the US over the last 20 years along with statistics on increasing mental health issues. Using these values, the project will use correlational data to draw conclusions regarding the effects of toxic consumer culture in America. Ultimately, the goal is to contradict the theory which states that consumerism is a form of therapy. This will unravel while identifying that excessive consumerism can lead to mental health issues thereby preventing many in the future from indulging in this way of life.

Psychological Factors that Affect Customer Buying Behavior and Effectiveness at Which Companies Match Them

A successful business requires precision marketing to gain customers, and those that do not market effectively often go out of business. Thousands of businesses close each year—a number that is only growing in recent months as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Yet, determining consumer behavior and creating a marketing strategy is difficult due to the plethora of factors that affect a customer’s mind. This study aims to determine the psychological factors that affect consumer behavior and how effectively companies match them. A combination of surveys and interviews with external research will determine whether companies are successful in their marketing or not.

Voter Turnout Among Young Adults in Palo Alto

In all recent Presidential elections, young people under 25 have voted at lower rates than other ages. This is problematic because it means that young people's voices are less represented in government's policies and officials. To combat this issue, the researcher developed a "mini-lesson" that was presented to two 11th grade U.S. History classes at Palo Alto High School, educating students about civics and voting. Students and staff members at Palo Alto High School were also interviewed to ensure that the lesson effectively met both groups' desires.

Bystander Wariness: Gender-Based Behavioral Reaction to Bystander Response Laws and Victim Profiles

In this world, many people consider themselves “Good Samaritans”—bystanders who would be willing to help victims in an emergency situation. Especially if paramedic response time is slow, this aid can be the difference between life and death. However, relatively few victims actually receive bystander support in any form on the streets, and it can vary significantly depending on a victim’s appearance. This study examines 1) whether a bystander’s knowledge of state law regarding bystander response affects their willingness to offer assistance and 2) how gender response differs when a victim’s profile changes. In response to a hypothetical situation, notable findings include: almost no difference between reminders of different laws, significant difference in a bystander’s fear depending on victim profiles, and lower rates of bystander response in female participants. We were also able to show the bystander effect through a hypothetical situation, thereby widening methodological options for further research.

The Location of the Tank Transmission Over Time

This research project will analyze the location of the transmission of the tank transmission over the interwar to world war two period. Over that period time, the transmission location on most tanks was not consistent even between generational upgrades, so research teams must have found a reason why. This project will investigate the reasons for the transmission being where it is throughout the research.

A Personal Memoir

Words are how we express ourselves; they are how we connect with others and ourselves. This year, I composed a series of intertwined short stories that are based largely on my own experiences. These stories helped me come to terms with who I am now and how the years leading up to now(both key events and buried memories) impact the way I make decisions and navigate relationships with others.



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