How can we make school settings more inclusive In for students with intellectual/developmental disabilities?

There is a significant problem with exclusive education and ableist microaggressions in schools. A probable cause of this problem is the lack of integration between students with and without IDD because special education teachers don’t always have time to prioritize it. Students with IDD have IEPs (individualized education plan), which are carried out in separate classrooms so the student can have their teacher’s full attention. Perhaps prioritizing both teachers' and students' needs will help integrate students and diminish bullying. Preparing special education teachers so they’re qualified to work would ultimately improve their students' school experience. The goal for this process is that the information will be more effective to identify common themes and the correlation between salary and the number and quality of special education teachers.

Identifying and addressing the barriers that surround the career interests of 5th graders

This paper examines the barriers that affect elementary/middle school students from the perspectives of former elementary/middle school students as well as current 5th graders. The purpose of this research is to help aid educators and parents figure out what aspects To conduct further research, previous works on the career aspirations of elementary school students were analyzed to create a foundation for the research. Research was then conducted on 21 high school students who were asked to identify barriers they experienced when they were elementary/middle school students.

Big Brothers Big Sisters: High School Students Preparing Middle Schoolers for High School Through a Mentoring Program

Action Research Project through Changemaker Project. We will create a mentoring program in which Gunn High School students go to Fletcher Middle School to co-teach SEL lessons to the middle school students. We will prepare them for the transition to high school while also establishing a positive relationship with them. Essentially, we hope to create the type of relationship where the younger students feel like they have an older buddy to look out for them. This will ease the transition to high school, because new freshmen who went through our program will know what to expect at Gunn while also already knowing a few upperclassmen.

Using Game Theory to Change the Booster Vaccine Distribution and Lower COVID-19 Deaths

As of January 6th 2022, only 8.8% of people in developing countries have received at least one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine (Our World in Data, 2021). Despite the low amount of COVID-19 vaccines are being administered in developing countries, developed countries continue to promote booster shots. An alternate vaccine distribution could change the percentage of immunity worldwide. Game theory strategies and inferential statistics could be used to create this distribution.

What‌ ‌Effect‌ ‌does‌ ‌the‌ ‌“Three‌ ‌Obediences‌ ‌and‌ ‌Four‌ ‌Virtues”‌ ‌Principles‌ ‌Have‌ ‌on‌ ‌Chinese‌ ‌Gender‌ ‌Inequality?‌ ‌

Chinese gender inequality has a history of two thousand years. Until 2014, 58.7 percent of women in China aged 25 and older had completed secondary education, while the counterpart statistic for men was 71.9 percent. Women's labor power participation rate in China was 63.9 percent compared to 78.3 percent for men. The paper tries to investigate the role “Three Obediences and Four Virtues” played on gender inequality in ancient China and how it continues to influence modern Chinese gender inequality.

Exploring the Intersection of Cognitive Science and Jane Austen's Novels


The intersection of science and literature is a space which has captured the interest of readers and researchers for centuries. Studies which aim to link the works of Jane Austen with cognitive science and sociological topics serve as an example of the various methods which might be applied to this endeavor. Although many such studies have been conducted, their common methods and findings have yet to be synthesized. Using content analysis and qualitative data sampling methods, my research explores themes in this field in order to shed light on the impact and implications of connecting literature with science.

What are the Impacts of Instagram on Teenage Mental Health Compared to Individuals Above 20?

One of the major problems of Instagram is its target audience being extremely young individuals. Without properly understanding the potential dangers of social media platforms, these young teenagers may end up being drawn into a world of online dependency, resulting in isolation, negatively impacted mental health, and an overall lowered self-esteem. This project aims to identify the specific reasons and outcomes of social media addiction and how it may be destructive towards young teenager's mental health as their brains have not been fully developed. The resulting research information may be crucial for future users as well as younger generations to gain a better sense of the consequences of social media addiction.

Impact of Social Media’s Use of Photography on Teenagers Under the Age of 18 in the United States

As technology is quickly advancing and becoming more normalized among adolescents, the use of social media will only increase. As a consequence, more teenagers under the 18 will experience social media. This project aims to quantify the impact such increase use has on teenagers under the age of 18 in the United States.


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